Chapter 17

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I leave sixth period with Jade on my tail "oh my god that was so boring!" She wines

"Tell me a time Mr.Louis isn't boring" I joke

"True" I say and we walk down the hall giggling

"Shit" I say stoping in my tracks


"How the hell am I going to get to work?!" I ask frantic, I didn't even think about that this morning, I can't walk all the way downtown

"Oh shit" Jade says realising, her brown blue eyes widening

"Can you drive me?!" I beg

"Ugh fine just because I'm an amazing friend I will risk being late and possibly losing my job for you but seriously we have to hurry" she says fast walking to he car, me in tow

"Thank you! thank you! thank you!!" I say hugging her and walking at the same time

"Yeah yeah come on" she says

"Ok" we get to her car and speed off to the direction of my work

Thankfully I got there two minutes early "I literally love you! You're a life saver!" I say reaching over and hugging her

"I know, what time do you get off?"


"Ok I get off at 6 so I'll come pick you up"

"Thank you" I say smiling

I climb out but before I shut the door she says "wait! I'm really proud of you for seeing him today...I'm sure it was hard"

" was" I say, a comfortable silence balances between us "Well I have to get to work and so do you, I'll see you at 7" I say waving and shutting the door

I walk in the back door to see Sky putting in her apron "looks like I'm the early one today" she smarts off

"Yeah" I say unenergetically throwing my auburn loose curled in a ponytail

"Hey whats wrong? You've been sad all week and no offense you look like shit today" she says

"I know" I sigh fighting a small smile at her comment because I know it's true "just a bad week" I tell her not wanting to tell the whole story

"I get it, well come on nagging customers should get your mind off of things for a while" she says smirking, her blue eyes having a mysterious gleam

I nod and put on my apron "hey where's Bryan?"

"He's sick, so looks like we have more tables but more tips too so" she says shrugging

I wait tables some nice people, others I wanted to slap; not helping my already shitty day but I did my best to keep a happy smile on my face even through the bad ones. Tony always joked with me when I came in the kitchen to pick up an order which made me feel better. It was surprisingly weird without Bryan, not like he talks much but still. Sky was right we had to split his section giving me five more tables to wait. In all it was a good day at work... school was a different story.

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