Chapter 57

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"I'll be back" Marcus says looking down at me, with a smirk that is sure to haunt my dreams

It's a devilish smirk and the small glint in his eyes is showing me how much power and strength he really has beneath the surface. A shiver runs down my spine, shocked at the power, eagerness, and anger he has within him.

"I'm coming with you" I say holding his shirt as he try's to walk away

He turns to me and frowns "no Rose, you don't want to see what I'm about to do, go up stairs and don't leave the bedroom until I come up" he says and my eyes widen, it's literally like I couldn't say no. His voice was deep and demanding, his eyes threatening to be argued with, and his posture hostile.

I sigh and nod, I look over at Caden and he's staring at Marcus like he's seeing an old friend again, the look in his eyes spiking my curiosity "what are you going to do to him?" I ask, Marcus frowns down at me and shakes his head he pecks my forehead, not answering my question and let's go of my hand walking with Caden to the door. I follow him until he opens the front door, letting Caden pass. When I try to step out he looks back at me and scolds me, daring me to take another step. I hold my hands up and frown crossing them over my chest.

He nods and walks out the door, before he closes it I grab it and pull it open, watching them walk away.

Out of the forest walks Nate and Harry holding a thrashing vampire, the only way I know this is because his movements are faster than any human. He try's to rip out of there grasps with no use.

All three men covered in a thick layer of dirt and mud, water spews off of their body's and there eyebrows are creased, protecting there eyes from the rain. Marcus steps down the steps and walks out to them, rain dripping on him, not slowly his large threatening steps.

I look closer, my vision blurred with heavy rain separating me and them. two huge wolves step out of the forest and I gasp, staring in amazement. One is golden in color and the other a brownish black, both as tall, if not taller, than Harry and Nate. There body's filled with fur, plastered down to there skin from the water. These are the first werewolves I've seen, ever, and they're beautiful.

Harry looks back at the two wolves and nods in thanks, the two bow there heads with a nod and turn to walk away, there tails swaying with each step.

I watch them until they disappear from my view and into the dense forest. I focus my attention back on Harry and Nate, the unnamed vampire looks older maybe in his late thirties, he has brown hair, pale skin, intense eyes and a certain edge to him shielding everyone from something very dangerous, he has a menacing look to him and I'm perfectly happy over by the door, away from him.

He licks his lips as his eyes turn to me and a scary grin slips to his face, I shiver, my heart rate picking up at his eyes piercing through me. Marcus stands in front of him and turns around to me "get inside Rose, now" he says, his voice echoes in my mind just as a roll of thunder sounds the air. I nod taking one least look at the thrashing vampire and turn away, shutting the door behind me, staying in the safety of the house.
Hours later I'm still stuck in here, locked in the bedroom with Nate standing right outside the door and other vampires surrounding the house. Marcus of course demanded Nate not go into the bedroom at all and for me to keep the door shut, over protective jealous butt hole. I continue to pace the room, my mind racing and irritation filling me up.

I close my eyes and focus on Marcus but for the hundredth time tonight nothing, blank, like a big wall is held up keeping me from his mind completely. I can't get a word, not even an image, out of him. I know for a fact he's putting it there, I groan loudly and throw myself on the bed.

"You ok in there?" Nate asks

"No" I grumble loud enough for him to hear me from outside the door

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