Chapter 64

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The next time I wake up the sun light is bright and golden, lighting up the room giving it a gold tint. I stretch my tense clamped muscles and sprawl out across the bed. I look over and frown not seeing the familiar view of Marcus's sleeping face. I sigh also confused at not seeing mom there. I reach over for my phone and it's only 8:40 I wonder what she's doing up so early on a Saturday. Maybe getting ready to leave? I didn't book the flight until 10:30?

I shrug and uncover my body from the sheets feeling cold instantly.

"Good morning my love" I hear Marcus say in my head I fall back a little shocked, I didn't think I brought down the wall but I guess I did "to soon?" He asks, his emotion changing from hopeful to sad

"No, I'm sorry good morning"

"When are you coming home?" He asks immediately

I shake my head, that was a little to soon, and say "later, moms flight is at 10:30" I tell him

He sighs "ok..." he says "I'm sor-"

"I know Marcus" yes I'm still hurt but he seems worse than me

"Ok come back when you can" he says and I nod even though he can't see me

I stand up and walk down the hall hunting down my mom. I stop in the bathroom and fix my hair and use the restroom.

I walk into the kitchen expecting to find her there but only to find it empty. "hum" I say my eyebrows furrowed

I walk around to the living room to find that empty as well, would she be in my bedroom? I shrug thinking that's the only place she could be if she's here. I walk down to my room to see my bedroom door cracked slightly, I see my moms small figure standing on the left side of my bed facing the wall with her head tilted to the ground.

I tilt my head and slowly push open the door wider but she doesn't notice, I walk up to her, confused at what she's doing "mom?" I call out

Her body jumps, obviously surprised, she whips around to face me, her eyes teary and her hands behind her back, hiding something "what's wrong?" I ask stepping closer to her

"Nothing what are you doing up?" She asks

I don't answer as I look around her to see a piece of paper behind her back, she turns her body to hide the object from my view "what is that?" I ask pointing around her, gesturing to her hands "and what are you doing in my room?" My eyebrows raise as I get more suspicious by the minute "mom what are you hiding"

Her face is frozen in a worried and shocked state "honey please" she begs

I frown and walk over to her, she tries to clutch to the paper but I grab it out of her hands before she can keep it away from me.

She gasps as I look down at the paper. it looks like a letter of some sort, the hand writing is familiar I just can't put my finger on it. I start to read the writing and my blood runs cold as my eyes scan the paper.

I miss you Rose
I'll get you Rose
Can't wait to see you Rose
Did you miss me Rose
I'm back Rose
I'll kill you....Rose

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