Chapter 48

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He turns around, his large perfect muscles moving with him, he looks down at where I'm starring and sighs "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this today" he says quietly

I don't answer, I walk over to him and touch his crying mark, his body tenses as I trace the disfigured ink. No wonder he hardly ever smiles...he lost his mate. I tear up thinking about ever loosing Marcus and the pain and suffering Harry must have went through.

"Harry...I'm-I'm so sorry" I say looking up at him trying to blink away the tears

"Yeah" he say quietly taking the shirt out of my hands, but not putting it on. He sits down at the end of the bed, looking down at the shirt "it was a while ago"

"How long?" I whisper sitting down next to him

"40 years" he says, looking away from me at the wall

I hold his hand in mine and his glassy golden eyes look back over to me, his tense muscles relax and his body slumps "she was so perfect" he says closing his eyes to prevent the tears from falling "I met her soon after I was changed, she was a vampire too and a little older than me but same age in human years, I met her when I was 31 as a vampire" he says "I was so lucky, some don't find there's until there hundreds of years old, like Marcus" he says "we only had 46 years together....when we should have had eternity" he says as a single tear falls down his cheek "and it's all my fault she's dead" his body goes rigid and his face hardens but his hand still holds mine lightly

I don't ask how she died, I know it will be to much for him, it's to soon. It may have been forty years ago but living without your soulmate for a year would be hell. Now I know why he always has that scowl on his face, he blames himself for her death. To have that on your mind all the time would make anybody go mad.

"I doubt it was your fault" I tell him holding his arm to reassure him

"Thats what everybody tells me" he scoffs and I know he doesn't believe me

We stay quiet for a few moments until he speaks again "you remind me of her actually" he says almost smiling "I didn't see it at first, when I saw Amber it was almost like seeing Jess's twin, she so beautiful, just like Jess was. Same beautiful blonde hair and big brown eyes...but the more I was around you I saw Jess, in the way you talk...the way you smile...even in the way you act, your smart ass comments reminds me of what she would say...both of you had such a illuminating glow..." he says bringing his hand up to my cheek

I back away from his touch "I'm not her Harry" I say quietly, not wanting to hurt him but he needs to understand

"I know" he sighs putting on the shirt, covering his broken mark "don't worry I know where I stand, I know you would never leave Marcus"

I'm a little taken back by his bluntness "Is that why you got mad this morning?" I ask, he nods slowly

"I got jealous and again I apologize, it just hurts knowing you're so much like her but you arn't mine" he says, eyes sad and piercing into mine, I don't know what to say, honestly I would never leave Marcus, Harry is like a brother to me and he's not meant for me like Marcus is. I love Marcus with ever ounce of my soul, I love Harry too...but not in the same way.

"I'm sorry" I say quietly

"For what Rose? you didn't do anything, I didn't mean to make you feel bad" he says looking worried

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