Chapter 43

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I stare into the mirror at the dark circles around my blue and green eyes with a deep frown. I try and lift the skin hopping magically the ugly dark tint will go away but with no surprise they don't. I sigh heavily and grab a dab of foundation to cover the dark skin. I mix it well and it's hardly noticeable.

I finish the rest of my makeup and start to throw my hair up in a pony tail, adding a bobby pin in the back to hold the loose baby hair. I check my phone for the time and I have ten minutes till Harry should be here to pick me up, I silently groan at the thought of a bodyguard again but brush it off and head in the kitchen.

This weekend was supposed to be relaxing, considering for the rest of the week I'll be training. But restful was the last thing this weekend was. All of Saturday I was alone, mom had errands to run all day, and Marcus was at training all day, which stresses me out immensely. I asked Jade to come over but she was practicing spells and other things. Amber and Luke were out of town, I guess something with Luke having to meet all the Alpha in the area due to him and Amber becoming Alpha and Luna by the end of the school year.

So I decided to go to a book store and try to clear my mind. I hardly got done with one page before I started getting distracted so I reread the same page ten times and still didn't soak up a word. After that I went back home and tried to preoccupy myself with movies, music, and even cleaning but nothing really got my mind off of everything going on. The stress was eating me alive and when night came it didn't get better.

I laid in bed for hours tossing and turning, in and out of sleep. Around three ish I woke up to see a note on my pillow I knew immediately it was from Marcus and tore it open as fast as possible, hoping it said he would be coming back any minute.

But it said that training was running late tonight and he would hopefully see me tomorrow. I fell on my pillow and stared at the ceiling praying sleep would take me over, but it never did. On Sunday thankfully Jade hung out with me all day because she was alone too. Caden was with Marcus so we were both totally lonely without our other half's. Sunday night Marcus and a few others including Caden, Harry, and Nate, went over a few towns and fed. He sent me a text telling me they all had to be at there strongest. Other vampires, from training, had already fed in the area. He wanted to make sure not too many people were being fed on in the same town because it would be too suspicious. Especially seeing as he had brought in a lot of vampires from all over, so the heavy population meant more humans being fed off of. He was making sure to keep them in check though. Sectioning off groups to feed in the surrounding towns at specific times.

They didn't get back till late at night, probably around one thirty. I was awake when he came in and I tackled him to the floor with a hug. I just missed him so much I couldn't stop myself. I missed the tingle my skin would feel wherever he touched me, I missed his smile, I missed his voice, I missed everything about him.

So here I am sitting in the kitchen rereading the note Marcus left on my bed this morning

*Dear Rose
good morning love, I'm sorry I had to leave early again, I'm hoping to see you while you're training today but knowing Nate he'll shoo me away. Im glad your hand is feeling better, healing faster than I first thought, I'm sorry again. I wish I was at school so I could at least see you for those short 55 minutes, have a good day at school and work, I love you so much and I miss you every second I'm away

I sigh after finishing the note and set it down next to me as I sip my hot coffee. I look down at the thin layer of gauze on my hand and carefully undo it. He's right it is healing fast. It's closed up and just has a think scab, it still hurts when I make a fist but I'm dealing.

I finish up the rest of my coffee and rinse it out in the sink. I brush my teeth and cheek my appearance one more time before I grab my bag. I start to put my coat on when my phone vibrates, I drop my coat and jump on my bed. I reach for my phone quickly, worried it will be Marcus telling me something has happened but also exited just to hear from him.

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