Chapter 79

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He sighs "I should probably start from the beginning" he says and I nod sitting up "I saw you, when you screamed for me in the car...I saw a glimpse of you before everything went black, I was so shocked and confused I went mad. I didn't know where you were or what was going on...I didn't even know if you were alive" he says wincing at his own words "Harry got there and told us what happened, I wanted to fucking kill him but I knew that wouldn't help me. I called Lucia to make her bring Evangeline so that she could see where you were but she was passed out from a protection spell Lucia put on her, Jade did a tracking spell on you and that's how we found out you crossed the border" he sighs "the next couple of days were hell, I didn't sleep, feed, or think about anything else besides finding you, I put all my vampires to work making them gather information from anything that would lead me to you" he says with small tears in his eyes as I listen very intently "I was miserable...I thought I was going to die if I had to suffer another day without you" he says "that's when I realized..." He trials off looking up at me with a nervous smile

"What?" I ask

"I kinda put a tracking devise in your necklace" he says quickly

"Are you serious" I frown leaning back and crossing my arms

"Just in case" he reassures me "but it did help me"

"How so?" I ask remembering how my father ripped my precious necklace from my neck

"I tracked it down, I thought I was going to get you back...but you weren't there...we did get Amber though" he says and I nod now understanding where they took Amber and why they took my necklace

"So that's what he meant" I say to myself

"Anyways the note that you signed was attached to a tree with a dead rose nailed to it" he sighs "I was just happy you were alive...Evangeline woke up the following day but she couldn't see you...we were to late" his eyes are full of pain and I have a feeling I know what happened next "we were all coming up with ideas but nothing would work so Evangeline came up with us kissing" both of us wince at the sentence and my heart hurts at the thought "it was the only way I could contact you and it payed off"

"I understand" I tell him truthfully

"The mind link was open and Evangeline knew where it was, we gathered all of my army and Luke's wolves and sent them to the camp, Lucia put a temporary spell on all of my vampires so that they could be out in sunlight, we think Caine's vampires had the same spell put on the as well by Sebastian, that's when Evangeline noticed she could still see you and we all followed her" he says "once you left with Evangeline things went a little crazy, Harry was stabbed in the chest with a stake-"

"What!" Tears instantly appear in the eyes and my breathing quickens "oh my god is he ok? Why didn't you tell me this before? Is he alive?-" I ask hyperventilating

"Shh, calm down please Rose, just breath" he tells me grabbing my hands and starring in to my eyes "he's ok he's healing" he says and I take a deep breath, leaning back

"You scared the shit out of me" I say trying to return to normal breathing

"I'm sorry but after that Nate took Harry back to my house and Nora helped take the stake out, here's the weird part...Jade preformed a spell" he says

"How is that weird she's a witch, it's what she does" I tell him, confused

"Hold on" he says "she preformed something more powerful than anything I've seen, Sebastian was attacking Caden and Jade just kinda exploded with pure power" he says and I tilt my head "a purple whorl wind of energy surrounded her and everything went dark, not even Sebastian's power could over take hers" he says and my eyes widen "she sent all the power to him and it killed him instantly" he says and I gasp

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