Chapter 29

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I'm at a loss of words and I try to cover myself with the flimsy tank top I'm holding. I stand there, sucking in a breath and holding it in as he stares. He doesn't say anything he just walk towards me with large steps and his eyes getting darker. His fingertips touch my rib cage and I jump. I look down and his finger traces the long pink scar on the lower part of my ribs.

I look back up to his very dark eyes, he looks furious "who did this?" He asks his voice strong and demanding

I didn't want to do this, I wanted him to tell me everything and maybe I could tell him my story later, but with my luck of course that didn't work out. I swallow hard and look down at his chest, that is now covered with a plain white shirt that you can still see trough slightly. " happened a while back, almost four years ago actually" I tell him praying he'll be satisfied with that

"How?" He says through his teeth

I close my eyes tightly and flinch at the memory "it doesn't matter it was a long time ago" I tell him hopeful the subject will be dropped

"Rose" he says his eyes and voice demanding

"Marcus please..." I beg "it doesn't matter" I tell him shying away, not wanting to go through this

"It matters to me, now tell me" he says through gritted teeth, his anger rising

I let out a long sigh and break "my father, he...he came home drunk one night and he got angry with my mom for no reason so when he started hitting her, I tried to get him to stop...and he did...he just then took out his anger on me, He was holding a beer bottle and broke it on a wall. He picked up what was left of it and then came up and cut me. Thankfully he left soon after to God knows where and my mother took me to the hospital and got me sewed up" I tell him one of the many stories of when my father hurt me

I'm to distracted by my memory to notice Marcus's face, it holds pure rage the maddest I've ever seen him, it actually frightens me. "How often?" He growls

"Did he hit me?" I ask and he nods slowly "...pretty much every night, unless he stayed out all night, ever since I was around five...that was the first time he hit me" I tell him quietly

He jumps up away from me "How dare he touch you!" He yells walking back and fourth, pulling his hair, he walks over to a wall and punches right through it causing me to scream loudly

Jade and Caden come running in the room and Jade comes over to me holding me back from trying to grab Marcus.

"Marcus stop! What are you doing?!" Caden yells pulling Marcus away from the wall just before his fist collides with the wall once again

"I keep failing her! Everyone hurts her and I can't do anything about it!"

"Marcus you weren't there you had no idea! He left three years ago and has yet to come back or make any form of contacting us! Please calm down" I beg my eyes beginning to water, not scared of him, just scared he might hurt himself

He stops fighting Caden and looks over at me his eyes instantly calming. Jade releases me but I don't move, Marcus gets out or Caden's hold and walk over to me quickly "I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you, I just angry that a person, your own father, could ever do such a thing to you. All I want is your safely but all I hear is you getting more and more hurt...I can't bear it" he says cupping my cheeks and I lean into his touch

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