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015. reunite

Kai roamed around the streets for a couple more hours before he eventually grew tired of seeing the same shops with poor maintenence of cleanliness.

He often finds himself opening his pocket watch, anticipating the time and trying to detect if a single monkey even reached Loguetown yet. Perhaps he came too early? Now that was a pity. This one time he actually looks forward to seeing them, they all become tardy.

He stops by a bar in a secluded place, deciding it was better to wait there since not many people plague the place. And as he came in, he actually saw the man make an effort on cleaning with a broom.

And he rates it 1/10.

"Ah, customer—" as the man turned around to greet the person who entered his pub, he was not happy to see the white coat that draped over Kai's shoulders. "Oh, a Marine." He didn't try to hide his disappointment.

Kai ignored him of course, he already knows enough people who dislikes the Marines. Himself included.

"Are you open?" He asked, looking around, noticing how the lights weren't even bright enough. Should he really waste his time here?

The old man clicked his tongue, huffing as he shows his distaste. "Marines aren't welcome. And we're closing."

Seeing the biased behavior favoring towards Pirates judging by the name of the pub itself, Kai felt staying for a little longer as soon as he noticed it.

"I'll have a glass of water." He said despite knowing they were closing and that he wasn't welcome. He took a seat on one of the stools, refusing the look of annoyance on the old man's face.

"I told you, we don't serve your kind here—"

The doors opened and revealed a familiar thin boy with a straw hat above his head. Kai casted a glance before he subconsciously clicked his tongue, pulling the mask on his face upwards to fix its position.

"Old man, are you the owner?"

And by hearing the stupid voice, Kai could confirm it was indeed his so-called brother who was made of rubber.

"The sign outside says 'Gold Roger', is that the name of the place?" Luffy innocently asked.

The old man wasn't taking it. He was hostile and remained seated, already annoyed to have a Marine insist on staying, and with the clear words of 'Vice-Admiral' on his back.

Now, how should he shoo a Vice-Admiral away without getting into trouble?

"Get out." The old man told Luffy bluntly, also redirecting his words to Kai who played deaf. "This isn't a place for kids, and we're closed right now."

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