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024. cp9

He believed it was finally the time to pay a relevant island a visit.

Now, he has never been in this island before. No hints of familiarity or recognition crossed him as soon as he stepped onto the cemented sidewalks, leaving an open water space to serve as the main road. It truly was particular, no wonder it was called Water 7.

There were plenty enough houses that surrounded the place. Enough resources too. But one thing that caught his attention particularly was the broken down building from a distance near the shore. It seems recent, from what he can observe.

"We should pack our necessities and hide already. The water level will be rising later at night."

He heard people who passed him by the sidewalk murmur amongst themselves. And perhaps, Dragon's information is reliable after all. Dragon told him enough about this island and the islands connected to it through their sea train transportation. Quite convenient, if he might say.

"What's a Marine Vice-Admiral doing here?" He can hear people mumbling. He didn't care too much, after all, it indeed is odd to see a Marine around this area since it's already pretty much protected and independent.

But to avoid any more rising chats and talks about him, he shrugged off his Marine coat, slipping his glove off slightly to hold it, letting it disassemble and fall neatly into his open palm without watching. It was already fallen into pieces, and slipping it into his pocket, he made a mental note to assemble it again later once it's needed.

After all, Sengoku did warn him that it was mandatory since Kai tends to act through impulse and the coat would be a reminder for him and his ground.

A pretty decent advice, even if Kai hates to admit so. It also reminds him of how he needs to be more rational with his actions while wearing the coat since everything can trace back to him and his connections to the Marines.

Kai allowed his eyes to travel around, and he figured that going by foot wouldn't be enough to move efficiently. He'll have to do something about it.

He needs something to merge with though. And at this point, he was scaring away all the birds with the gloomy look in his eyes. He spotted a white bird from a distance, and it was oddly familiar. But before he could do anything more than just spare it a glance, someone suddenly appeared a few distance away, the bird soon landing on the figure's shoulder.

Kai saw it coming with his haki.

"Monkey D. Kai, what brings you to this island in the Grand Line?" Lucci spoke up, brows knitted together as he allowed his bird to hide behind his hat. Hattori was terrified for the good reasons.

"I'm not interested to make small talk with you, Rob Lucci." Kai scowled, walking past him.

"Neither am I. But I could simply not ignore such threatening presence even from right across the island." Lucci narrowed his eyes, turning his head to the side to dare and look at Kai despite the boy being less than interested to converse with him.

"Well, that's not my problem, isn't it?" Kai spoke with intended ignorance.

"No, but it certainly is mine." Lucci persisted with a cold tone, rivaling Kai's icy one. "To hear that a Marine is walking around in Water 7 would cause alarms to flare with Iceberg."

"But he can't exactly do anything about it now, can't he? He's too busy recovering in a hospital bed." Kai spoke mockingly.

"Oh, so you are aware?"

"I have my connections. Now if you'll excuse me."

"Not excused." Lucci was persistent. He seriously did not like the idea of having Kai around his mission since from the short time he knew the boy, he likes to meddle into things and turn it to his favor. Not only was he dangerously talented in fighting, he was gifted with a constantly plotting brain as well.

"I'm not wearing my Marine coat today, Lucci. Would you leave me be?" Kai hissed in annoyance. "Treat me like a civilian. Stopping me from walking away repeatedly isn't helping with my low profile."

"I can't simply let you walk away. You'll surely intervene with my mission, I can't allow that."

Kai sharply turned his head to face him, frustration clear on the only features visible on his face. His eyes. A surgical mask covered the lower part of his face but Lucci can tell that there was a scowl behind the mask.

"Would you like to fight with me like last time? Or have you forgotten what happened years before?"

It's impossible to forget about that.

Years ago, not too long ago — Kai was appointed to train with Cipher Pol to be taught with rokushiki per Sengoku's request. The two met there and just like now, they didn't get along but hold some respect to the other's abilities and talent in the certain techniques.

Kai was a fast learner that time, and Lucci mastered the techniques already.

They were always at each other's necks when fighting, it would always take their trainers everything to separate the two away before they might actually kill each other.

But that was back then. Who knows what kind of ridiculous leap in power Kai had again?

"There's no need." A new voice joined them. And Kai could tell it was Kaku right away. That nose cannot be forgotten so easily. "Lucci, we have to proceed. Spandam's impatiently waiting in Enies Lobby."

Kai didn't try to hide that he was taking in the information as well.

Lucci casted Kai one last wary glance before hopping off with Kaku with the same air techniques.

At least one problem's out now.

Kai continued on his mini tour around Water 7, occasionally stopping by a corner whenever he hears some valuable news concerning the higher people there. And so far from what he gathered, Lucci and the other CP9 members must be under the cover of being the shipwrights of Iceberg. Meaning it was easier to strike the man.

Kai was amused with the WG's petty undercover mission. It was just utterly needless and unnecessary. Why would you make some of your strongest CP9 members go into such a long-term mission to obtain something that can easily be done in a week. Their time management was disappointing.

He could only scoff and continue on his way, seeing the sky start turning to a darker shade of blue. They say the water level would rise at this particular day. Does that mean he should also take shelter? But unlike the poor devil fruit users, he's unaffected by sea water or just water in general. Is there really any need to hide?

He can consider turning himself into a convenient creature and fly to Enies Lobby, wait by the sidelines and strike at the right time. But he needs to know the people's positions first so that he can estimate the time of arrival.

From what he knows of his own schedule, he can't stay too long at one island or else he'll raise suspicion with his absence.

For now, he's gonna keep tabs on the blue print's whereabouts, leave for another island temporarily, and return to set back in Enies Lobby.

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