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001. dawn island

Kai Chisaki could remember his name and his life before this. Even from how unusual it can be, he can remember those past events very clearly. Being stabbed on the back by the very people he calls his allies, his whole plan being sabotaged by a mere aspiring hero, and finally— getting arrested and then having his arms cut off by the League of Villains, rendering his quirk and limbs useless.

Nothing would have prepared him for those events. All in a single day. Caused by his wrong decisions of allying with the most dirty group that exists.

He would like to blame it on the fact that he became too proud of himself that he honestly thought that he can take them on any time. However, the league had something greater than their quirks. It was their ability to view things in a different perspective.

If they hadn't possessed such ability, they wouldn't have been able to backstab him blindly.

Given a second chance to live, he will try to be smarter, he will make the right decisions this time. His goal? Get rid of both the Marines and Pirates along the people who has the social status to rule the world. He will make this world the normal just like he last planned.

But this time, he will succeed.

For now, he'll just have to get stronger and stronger. Not just by the use of the unusual ability of having a quirk, but physical strength too. Looking back at his battle with the UA student, he clearly lacked the brute force.

He had to improve his flaws.

During his train of thoughts, Kai was easily whisked away by a single push of his grandfather's fist. His back hitting the bark of the tree harshly as he gritted his teeth, enduring the pain that he has been trying to get used to since his first day in training with Gramps.

"You're still so light." Garp carelessly said, picking his nose with his pinky finger as Kai looked in disgust.

His tack for cleanliness never disappeared. Especially expressed by the bandages wrapped around the exposed skin on his body. Not to mention, it also covers up the wounds that he received.

"Take off your mask, a real man doesn't care if they get covered in dirt."

Even after years of living with the old man, Garp has never understood why his Grandson would wear such a thing that he made Makino create. Did he have a problem with his face? When he found out that Kai was easily allergic to dirt, he laughed it off

Who would have such thing? Especially in a world they live in.

"I obviously can't. Why can't you understand that you stinking old man?" Kai spat out harshly, clearly not fond of his so-called grandfather. He was only useful for himself to develop, other than that, he was no more than an old guy with insane brute strength.

"Stinking old man, eh? I'll show you another rough beating with my fists of love." Garp boisterously announced.

"Garp-san, I don't think you should continue this training any further." Makino said worriedly, her eyes showing concern for Kai's wellbeing. Garp abruptly stopped and looked at her in a questioning manner.

"Huh, why?"

"You've been training him now for straight 6 hours since this morning." Makino reminded, then a flash of realization downed Garp.

"Does that mean I missed two meals already?" He groaned, rubbing a hand on his forehead. "You made me forget about my breakfast and lunch, kiddo. You're getting better at endurance, I'll give you that."

Kai glared at Makino before standing up, clenching his fist upon downing the desperation of learning.

"I can still endure some more." He stubbornly said, fixing the mask that covered the lower part of his face. "You're just gonna leave for food just like that again?"

"Blah, blah. Fight off the lions if you want to learn so bad." Garp careless told, heading back to the docks where his Marine team is waiting. He's definitely craving for some donuts.

The lions? Kai felt himself huff in frustration. They already passed away yesterday. But he, of course, didn't voice that out. What would he do if they found out that he has such an unusual ability? He'll only reveal when he's older with the fake news of eating a devil fruit.

Sounds about right.

"Kai, are you hungry? You can eat in the pub with Luffy." Makino wen't to say. But Kai only brushed her off with a shrug, his face contorted in one of dark determination as he ventured the Forest further.

"I'm not hungry." He told plainly before leaving Makino alone to look worriedly at his back. Even if he was pretty much more capable than the people in the village, he was still a child no less.

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