Chapter 1

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Leave it to the Royal Wolves to build their castle on the highest hill in their territory – a huge blemish on the otherwise breath-taking landscape. Thousands of trees carpeted the region, covering the billowing land like a raging ocean of green. And then, above it all, that monolithic, grey excuse of a building they called a home.

Tactically, it was a great spot. No army that had suffered the exertion of clambering up the hill would have strength enough to attack the fortress. And if by some sort of divine support they did have the power to press on, they would never break past the thick curtain walls wrapping around the castle. Yes, ugly as it was, it was a stronghold if ever Ryleigh had seen one. And yet it seemed to her that the royals had done everything they could to rub their power in the faces of their subjects. If they had to flaunt their authority like that, they didn't really have it.

"Are you ready?" Austin asked. He was standing beside her, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his head tipped backwards to gaze up at the edifice. Unlike Ryleigh, he was eying the building with something closely resembling appreciation.

The human teleporter they had hired to take them into Royal Wolf territory had delivered them right to the top of the hill, which was a relief. Ryleigh didn't think she would've had the energy to walk all the way up the slope. Her condition still wasn't what it used to be, and it didn't help that all the health she had came from Austin, and that his mark was already starting to fade.

She was ready, though. She just wasn't sure for what. Officially, she was going to have an audience with king Alder, in order to convince him she wouldn't pose a threat to him and didn't need to be wiped off the face of the world like her family. Unofficially, she had half a mind to attack him the moment she laid eyes on him. She knew she wouldn't be able to kill him without losing her own life in the process, but that was a small price to pay for vengeance.

"Alder is waiting," Ellis said. He was standing a few paces in front of them, hovering near the gatehouse. He had insisted on accompanying her, and Ryleigh didn't blame him.

She sucked in a deep breath, ignoring the silver scorching her lungs. She plucked at her loose shirt, trying to get some air to her overheated torso. She was sweating, and she inconspicuously sniffed the air around her. The last thing she needed was for Alder to be able to smell her anxiety. She wasn't afraid – nor would she ever admit to it if she was – but she definitely wasn't at ease either.

Ellis eyed her, braws drawn down. He had attempted to get her to wear a long, modest dress, but considering Alder had already seen her naked on multiple occasions, and considering she had no desire whatsoever to make a good impression, she had opted for trousers and a shirt instead. Her hair, unruly and unbrushed, fizzed around her face in a wild mess. Ellis had refused to take her to the castle like that, but seeing as Ryleigh didn't want to go in the first place, the threat hadn't done him much good. After half an hour of bickering, he had admitted defeat and resigned to scowling at her the entire time, as though he could guilt her into developing manners.

She spurred into motion, catching up with Ellis. Austin flanked her other side, and Ryleigh knew both men were keeping a very close eye on her. She had promised to be on her best behaviour, but they weren't stupid enough to believe her.

The heavy, silver-coated portcullis was already let up, the points sticking out of the ceiling in unspoken threat. Ellis detailed their business to the guards in front of the gatehouse, and they were let through. The outer walls of the concentric castle had been angled in an octagon shape, with a tower on every corner. Inside, there was an elaborate garden running all around the castle, which was protected by even more curtainwalls. If one were to take a bird's view of it, they would see a square inside an octagon, with the castle itself hiding right in the middle of it. On each corner of the square were towers as well, but these were much higher than those of the outer walls. It was these towers that pierced the clouds and served as a landmark for the entire territory.

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