Chapter 18

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Aaron had lost track of how many hands he'd shaken; of how many people he had feigned to remember; of how many smiles he had forced. Whenever he wrapped up a conversation with one person, another would demand his attention. He couldn't wait for everyone to get drunk, so they might care less about appearances and etiquette.

He caught Ellis' gaze across the clearing. Ellis, too, was busy playing host, moving around tirelessly to make sure everyone was having a good time. They grinned at each other. It was why he got along so well with Ellis – he understood like no other what it was like to come into power at a young age, and what sacrifices followed.

Aaron turned his attention back to the group of four he was talking to. Two of them were woman of his age, or perhaps younger. They were pretty creatures, and they clearly wanted him to notice as much. They were all smiles and flattery. He knew politeness required him to ask one of them – or preferably both – to dance, but instead he excused himself.

The full moon shone on the clearing, casting everyone in a pale, ghastly light. It wasn't often Aaron was outside at night. He cherished it. With one hand, he plucked a cup of wine from a tray carried by a passing servant, and with the other he tugged at the collar of his jacket. He'd been standing close to the fires for the past ten minutes and his clothes stuck to his heated torso.

"Are you alright?"

Aaron turned his head. Austin had popped up beside him. He breathed a sigh. Austin he could handle – he was quiet and didn't try to impress him with lengthy anecdotes or pompous civility.

"Yes. I am quite alright." His throat was sore and he sipped from his wine. One more conversation and he wouldn't be able to produce words at all. "Sometimes I wish I could alter my appearance so no one would recognise me."

"I can imagine." Austin stuck one hand in his pocket, glancing around the clearing. "I've only seen you dance with Carry so far. There's no lack of eligible women here tonight."

He tipped his cup further back. He couldn't afford to get drunk, but it sure would make his life more bearable. "Carry is a darling. She always amuses me. Everyone else gets on my nerves, to be quite honest with you. And you are not in a position to talk – you have not danced at all. Not even with your sister. Is your mate not here?"

"I saw her a little while ago, but I've since lost sight of her. I don't think I want to know what she's up to. Nor would she dance with me if she were here. She's not the type of person to appreciate these kinds of festivities. Or any kind, for that matter."

"Right. That is something you have in common, then, I imagine." He peered into his cup. Empty. He needed a bigger glass. Or a bottle.

"True," Austin said. He nodded a few times, pursing his lips and staring down at the ground.

Aaron wished he could afford to be as horribly ill-equipped for small-talk as Austin.

"I suppose I ought to mingle again," he said. "Perhaps find myself someone to dance with after all. Perhaps Julie will do me the honour."

"Otherwise I am sure Carry would gladly oblige."

Aaron chuckled. "I might hold her to that." He put down his cup and turned, searching the crowd for any woman that pleased his eye. There were enough pretty ladies, but none of them had anything that made them stand out. They were boring – that was the bare truth of it. He patted Austin on the shoulder and walked off. If he took a turn around the clearing, looking like he was heading somewhere, people might leave him alone.

He did just that. He searched for Carry or Julie – just in case someone approached him and he had to find more pleasant company in a hurry. Carry was dancing with some alpha's son, and Julie was conversing with the Moon Hunters' beta.

Destined for Vengeance ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon