Chapter 25

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Jade was standing at the window, gazing out every other second, anticipation churning in her stomach like an insatiable itch.

"You're making me nervous," Ryleigh said. She was lying sprawled out on Jade's bed. Jade shot her a look over her shoulder.

"He said he'd come again today," she said. "He hasn't yet."

"See – he's already breaking promises. Bad omen."

Jade rolled her eyes, but Ryleigh's words stirred uneasiness in her chest. Was that true? He hadn't said when he would come, and it was only the afternoon. He still had hours to make good on his promise. Perhaps he hadn't detailed a time on purpose, so she couldn't conveniently be absent. Or perhaps he liked catching her off-guard, to see her stumble over her words and stare obsessively. Or perhaps he'd catch her off-guard even if she did know exactly when he'd be there, because there was no way one could reasonably prepare for an interaction with someone like him.

"You wanted me to do this," Jade said. "To meet him."

Ryleigh lifted her head from the mattress. "What makes you think that nonsense? I never gave you my opinion."

"Yes, you did. You said it'd be cruel to leave him without rejecting him, meaning you wanted me to meet him."

"Meaning I wanted you to reject him. You haven't exactly done that yet, and judging by your fidgeting and swooning, you're not planning to."

Jade turned back to the window, casting another look outside. No sign of him yet. "Do you really think I should?"

Ryleigh drew an arm under head, staring up at the ceiling. "You want to know what I think? I think you should stop thinking about what other people want you to do, and start doing what you want to do. Who cares what I want you to do? It's your mate, not mine. I can't make that call for you."

Jade traced a finger across the window-sill. It came back clean of dust. She wasn't used to servants keeping things neat. At home, everything was a mess. Didn't help that they lived in the ruins of an old house. "I'm sure he's a very busy man," she said. "Maybe something came up."

"If he's already prioritising work over you after two days, I don't think that predicts much good for the future. Don't let him treat you like an afterthought. You're too special for that."

She chuckled. "Look who's giving relationship advice now."

Ryleigh propped herself up on her elbows. "Shut up, you. You make me sound like a softy and it's making me want to hurl."

Jade laughed and Ryleigh dropped herself back down, closing her eyes. Her skin was an ethereal white – almost see-through. She hadn't often seen Ryleigh like that. Being beaten down by silver was one thing, but there was more going on with her. She just wasn't sure what.

"Why haven't you been sleeping in Austin's room?"

She didn't open her eyes. "What?"

"That helps, doesn't it? With the nightmares? You don't smell like him as much lately, so I don't think you've been sleeping in his bed."

"Nosy, are we? I do sleep in his room. I'm just not sleeping. So I might get a few hours, and then I'll be wide awake, so I leave. He doesn't like it, but what am I supposed to do? Drag him down with me?"

"He's your mate. He can help you."

Ryleigh shook her head, still squinting her eyes shut. "This is a me-problem. He's done his best to help, but I need to work this out on my own."


There was no direct response, so she averted her gaze to the clearing down below. Why was she this impatient anyway? She didn't even know the guy. Didn't even want to know him. And yet, if he didn't show up soon, her heart might explode.

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