Chapter 12

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The treetops swayed. The birds had fled already, searching for safer surroundings. The ground trembled underneath Ryleigh's feet. The moon shone bright, illuminating the rows and rows of Shadow Walker warriors. Ryleigh set herself by her father's side, right on the front line. He looked at her, his features tight and grim.

"Where is Jade?"

"I hid her." Ryleigh planted her feet on the ground, letting the vibrations of the Royal Army's pounding feet travel up to her soul. It wouldn't be long before the soldiers would appear from the forest. "Where is Mother?"

"Goddess knows. This is going to get ugly, Ry." His tone wasn't that of a concerned parent to a young child, but of an alpha to his heir. "We might not make it out. None of us."

"I'm ready for battle." Ryleigh cracked her knuckles, her magic itching at her finger tips.

"It's not going to be a battle." Corbin's eyes were drawn to the treeline, where the first soldiers pushed onto the clearing. Some were in human shape, some in wolf shape. Around them, on the sides, soldiers started appearing as well. They were surrounded. "It's a slaughter."

Ryleigh nodded, clenching her teeth. "I'm going to take them down with me."

Corbin clasped a heavy hand on her narrow shoulders. "I expect nothing less." Ryleigh's gaze flitted up to him – to his tight lips, hooded eyes. She wondered if he contemplated saying some comforting words, but he wasn't one for sentimental shows of affection. She got that from him. And so they were silent, standing side by side, facing the soldiers.

Ryleigh's grandfather, the alpha, was standing beside Corbin. He nodded at Corbin, and they both raised their hands in front of them. As one, all the soldiers then visible fell down. Both men and wolves, they all toppled over. Immediately, more men flooded the terrain. The Shadow Walkers had their magic to help them, but they were so vastly outnumbered it wouldn't make a difference. Still, they'd go down fighting.

As though they were all limbs of the same body, the Shadow Walkers surged forward. What followed was a bloodbath.

Ryleigh's magic was strong, and she had been practicing for years to cultivate them. And yet, it wasn't enough. She managed to confuse some men into turning against each other, and for some others she created nightmarish memories that stopped them in their tracks. But it took too long, and there were too many soldiers. They were closing in on her. Being a child, and small and agile, she managed to avoid attention. She shot through the crowd, aiding wherever she could and taking down whoever dared step in her way.

The grass was soaked with blood. Every step she took, her bare feet were sucked down into the moist dirt, blood creeping between her toes like waves lapping the shoreline. Around her, people fell. Loved ones. Her grandfather had fallen minutes ago. Her father was still going strong, standing amidst a pile of unconscious soldiers. No one had even been able to lay a hand on him.

She turned. She wasn't sure what drew her attention, but her body turned itself towards her home. There, appearing from behind the building, was Jade. Her blood ran cold. Why hadn't the kid stayed put?

Jade ran away from the building and only seconds later, a soldier stepped out through the front door, leaving flames in his wake.

Ryleigh looked around the clearing. As far as the eye could see, there were only soldiers. Screams and sobs and roars and howling filled the air, cutting through her eardrums. She wanted to slap her hands over her ears and collapse, allowing the night to wash over her. But there was no time for that, and she was no quitter.

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