Chapter 52

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"That was a tedious meeting, was it not, Your Highness?" Wyatt said. The council meeting had just ended. Aaron wasn't officially on the council, but Alder had him sit in frequently, so he could learn the trade. Alder had already left, leaving Aaron alone with the councilmen. "We usually have more interesting things to discuss than finances, I assure you."

Aaron smiled. "It was educative enough, Lord Wyatt."

"I am glad to hear it. Still, the true fun starts after the meeting. The councilmen and I were thinking of having a drink or two before turning in for the night. How about you join us, Your Highness?"

"I appreciate the invitation, but I have an early morning tomorrow."

"There will always be early mornings, but there will not always be your favourite councilmen to share a drink with. We are good company, I promise."

"Why, yes, Aaron, you cannot leave me to the endless mumblings of these senile wolves," Maxwell said. "You must show compassion and join us."

"What would Father say if he knew you were such a bad influence, Uncle?" Aaron said, chuckling. He glanced around. The other councilmen were shooting him encouraging smiles and he really wasn't equipped to deal with such peer pressure. "Very well, then. One drink."

The councilmen laughed and settled in again around the table. Soon enough, servants came in carrying a plethora of different kinds of alcohol, and Aaron got a feeling he wouldn't get away with having just one glass. He shot a glance at the clock.

"You must learn to relax every once in a while," Tobias said, leaning in as though he was telling him a secret about life. "It is a good thing you take your responsibilities serious, but even a prince needs to let go sometimes. It is only healthy. Here, bottoms up." He slid a cup towards Aaron. All the men were then equipped with a cup and they all brought it to their lips and tipped it up, swallowing the contents in a fell swig. Aaron stared at them in surprise, then chuckled and followed suit. The men burst out in appreciative laugher, and his cup was replenished. It was going to be a long night.


"Malcolm, I'm tired," Jade said. They were in one of the classrooms, even though it was already well into the evening. Jade was lying stretched out on the floor. She had started on a chair sometime earlier in the evening, but had long since abandoned any pretence of etiquette. Her head was spinning.

Malcolm was sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of her, shaking his head. "We're not done yet."

"I am done. Very done. I'm going to fall asleep right here." She didn't think she could move her muscles anymore.

"Ever so dramatic. We're not making as much progress as I would like."

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough, alright?" She stared at the ceiling, wondering why the Goddess would give powers like this to someone so ill adept at utilising them.

"Are you in earnest? Darling, you are the most powerful student I have ever had – and I have taught kings and queens. It is exactly your strength that makes it difficult to gain control. Your lack of confidence is not helping either, I must say." He stretched out one leg and tapped her foot with his. "Confidence is the first step to learning anything."

"I'm confident I can shut out everyone's thoughts." She lifted her head from the floor, glancing around her. "Nope. They're still there."

Malcolm chuckled. "Funny. You're hitting a wall because you're going in the wrong direction. You want to take down the entire wall, while in fact there's a door."

"O, great. Metaphors." She dropped her head back down.

"No, hear me out. You want to shut out the minds surrounding you. That's never going to work. No one has that much power. Maybe if there were only a few dozen minds, but not with a few thousand. It's not feasible. Nor should you want it. Your gift is your protection. Shut it down and you'll be shutting down your defence system."

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