Chapter 47

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Jade massaged her temples. It had been a long and trying day – and it wasn't even time for dinner yet. Meeting Malcolm that morning had already drained her, and her etiquette-class had stolen what little energy she had left. Add to that the fact that she hadn't slept in two nights, and she was surprised she still managed to lift her feet.

She knew she was still being followed by guards, and she knew every servant she passed judged her, so she made sure to keep her head high as she walked through the halls. If every day was going to be this intense, she wasn't sure she could keep it up, especially since her lessons with Malcolm hadn't even officially started yet. All they had done was talk.

She looked around her. Talking to Aaron was the last thing she felt like doing, but it was important she did. If she had to go one more day without him talking to her, she was going to lose her mind. She had asked her maids whether they knew where she'd be able to find her mate, and they had asked around for her. He was in his study – alone. This was her chance.

It took many wrong turns and the help of several reluctant servants, but at last she found herself in the right hallway. Now to pick the right door. One of the doors led to Alder's study, the other to Aaron's, and who knew who else was hiding behind the other doors. There were guards stationed in front of four rooms. Asking them who they were guarding was one option, but she had learned from the night before, and chose to examine their minds instead. It didn't take long for them to think about the person behind their doors.

She approached the right door and smiled at the guards in front of it. These weren't as hostile as Mark. They didn't trust her, but they had heard about what she'd done to their colleague and knew better than to disrespect her.

"Ma'am." They both bowed their heads.

"Good afternoon. I wish to speak to the prince. Can either of you inquire if he has a moment to see me?"

One of the guards nodded, a far-away look in his eyes. A moment later, he nodded again. "He will see you." They both stepped aside and opened the door for her. She took a deep breath, smiled at them again, and walked in.

Aaron was sitting at his desk, bent over stacks of paperwork. "Just a moment." He didn't look up at her, and she wondered if that was some kind of powerplay. Was he trying to put her in her place? Reminding her who he was, and who she was? How little she was – both in stature and lineage?

She lingered near the door. Even from there, she could pick up his scent. Still citrus. Had he attempted to use less soap? If he had, it hadn't worked. Maybe he should try a different one – one that didn't have such an invasive scent. She tried looking around her, at the paintings on the wall, the wolf-shaped paperweights on his desk, the floor, but her eyes were inevitably drawn to him.

His hair was ever so neat, his jacket wrinkle-free, straight and buttoned to the top. He couldn't be comfortable like that. Did he even know what it was to be comfortable? Perhaps if he had never been at ease before, he didn't know what he was missing.

Her wolf surged to the forefront of her mind. The animal had trouble sensing his wolf, and it worried her. How hard was Aaron working to keep his animal contained? If she hadn't met his wolf once, and if his eyes didn't flash lilac every so often, she might have thought he had no wolf at all.

He put down his quill and looked up, sitting back in his chair. She hadn't seen him at all that day. She had eaten breakfast with Corinne, and lunch alone. Well, she had shared her lunch with Isabelle, just because she was sick and tired of being on her own. The girl had needed some convincing – after all, it wasn't appropriate for servants and royal mates to eat together – but she had proved an amiable companion after that.

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