Chapter 59

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History really did repeat itself. Once again, Ryleigh found herself standing shackled in front of King Alder. Though, come to think of it, beside her pending doom, nothing was the same.

She was in her human form, for one. No growling, no claws, no sharp teeth. Just a woman with more tragedies than years.

They were in the throne room. 'They' being Ryleigh, the royal family, Jade, and a whole bunch of people who had come to see her be put on trial. She was glad for it. If she was going down, she was going to do it in front of an audience.

Everyone was already there when she was brought in. She was surrounded by guards. Her hands were cuffed behind her back. Heavy chains hung off them, crawling all the way to her feet, connecting with the fetters around her ankles. She wasn't going anywhere, but that was okay. She was tired of running.

She was led in through the main doors. They had dragged her from the prison all the way up the hill. The entire pack had gathered on either side of the path to watch her. It wasn't every day the future queen's sister was getting charged with attempted regicide.

Either side of the entrance was packed with people. Above her head, in the gallery, more people were watching. Hundreds of heads. All these people meant Ryleigh's head was flooding with memories. Unlike Jade, she had learnt how to tune them out years ago. They hardly bothered her. Like Jade, she knew how to filter for memories that were relevant to her.

Her head shot to the right. There, in the back of the room – Austin, Julie, Sky, and Ellis. She cursed inwardly. Why had she gone to all the trouble of saying goodbye if they were just going to show up again? Austin was staring at her, his eyes red. He mourned her fate. It might have touched her, hadn't he been the one who had pushed her towards this ending in the first place. She held her step for one moment, slowing down enough to look at all four of them. She grinned and enjoyed seeing the surprise register on their faces. There was no need to be surprised. By then, they really should've known she was going to go have some fun before her light went out.

Her guards jerked on her chains and she stumbled forwards, snapping her head back. Her gaze strayed to the front of the room, to the raised platform. Alder was sitting on his throne, Corinne at his right. Standing behind him was Aaron, one arm draped across Jade's small shoulders. Jade's cheeks were stained, her eyes rimmed red.

"Why are you crying, little sister?" Ryleigh linked her.

Jade's head jerked up, her eyes settling on her.

"Don't tell me it's guilt," Ryleigh said. "If there is one thing Mother has taught us, it's to never regret your decisions. Self-doubt is your worst enemy."

Aaron turned his face towards Jade, brows creasing at seeing her so distressed. He asked her something, in a quiet tone. She replied, her eyes never wavering from Ryleigh.

"Ryleigh..." Jade's bottom lip started quivering.

"No, no, Darling. Queens don't cry. You've made your choice. You don't need me to tell you whether or not it was the right one. I mean, do I wish you had made a different one? Well, of course. But I get it. He's prettier than I am."

A few tears slipped down Jade's cheeks.

"You're taking my death harder than I am."

"You're not going to die." Jade shook her head. "I talked Alder down."

"Did you? You naughty girl. Fret not. I can get myself back on the execution schedule. Just you wait and see."

Jade's eyes widened.

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