Chapter 3

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Austin sneaked up on Ryleigh in the library and put a hand on her shoulder. She jumped, then froze. Instantly, her body relaxed. He let his hand linger a little too long, his fingers playing with her hair. He stepped a little closer, until her back was pressing against his chest. She released a breath, but didn't move.

"Want to go on a run?" he asked, lowering his head to her ear. His breath tickled her cheek and goosebumps rose on her skin. Her fingers dug into the leather cover of the book she was holding.

"Maybe once I recover from this heart attack." She was standing in front of a bookcase, her eyes scanning the shelves. Finding an empty spot, she pushed the book in her hands back into its place and shrugged off his hand, turning around. "Why do you want to go running with me? Want to take me to a dark, abandoned spot and kill me?"

He didn't say what he wanted to say – that if they were in a dark, abandoned spot together, killing her wouldn't be the first thing on his mind.

"My wolf wants to get to know yours better."

Her eyes flitted over his face, her forehead scrunching up. "You're remembering a lake. You want to take me to water?" She pushed a chuckle through her nose. "I don't think so." She slipped past him, heading for the door. He caught up quickly and stepped in front of her.

"You reading my memories puts me at a disadvantage." His smile faded. "Look. I know you're afraid of water, and I know it's only been getting worse since –" He stopped, his shoulder inflating as a heavy breath escaped from his lungs. "It's my fault you nearly drowned. Let me help you conquer your fear."

"I lost that battle a long time ago, and I'm not looking for a rematch. And it wasn't your fault."

"It was. I was stupid enough to get into a fight with a feral rogue, and you saved my life. Let me help you. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"Well, I don't want to go to the lake, so there you have it." She attempted to move past him again, but he was much broader than her and blocked her way.

"It's not like you to let fear win."

Her head flinched back and she angled herself back towards him. She lifted her chin, lips tightening. "Are you calling me a coward?"

"No. Goddess, Ry. Don't get so defensive."

Her brows squished together above the bridge of her nose. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Why is this so important to you? I already told you it wasn't your fault. You don't need to feel obligated to fix me. I don't need fixing and I certainly don't want it."

"I just want to help."

"Then help by leaving me in peace. Water and I don't go well together, and that started way before I met you. I can live my life just fine without water. In case you didn't notice, I'm a wolf and not a fish."

"I know you haven't been sleeping," he said.

Her arms, still crossed, inched tighter around her, as though she was trying to embrace herself. Austin wanted to wrap his arms around her, but knew she wouldn't let him, and so he kept his distance, watching her. Her already pale complexion had turned a creepier shade of white. Right then, she looked small and almost childlike. It wasn't a look he liked on her.

"Is that a mate bond thing again?" she asked, uncertainty filtering through the defiance in her voice.

"I think so. Ever since I marked you, I've been getting flashes of your dreams. Well, your nightmares. You say you can live with this fear, but it's keeping you up at night."

"My fear for water is not what keeps me up at night. My fear is just a symptom of a much bigger underlying cause. Even if you can fix my fear, you can't fix my past. Nor is it up to you to attempt it, Aus."

Destined for Vengeance ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora