Chapter 10

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Ryleigh stared at her father, for once rendered speechless. It'd been two months since she'd last seen him - longer even. So much had happened; so much had gone wrong. The strangest thing, perhaps, was that a part of her felt relief upon seeing him. She had missed him. Regardless of the bad blood existing between them, he was her father, and she had never been apart from him this long.

Her eyes strayed to the tall man standing beside her father. It was Parker, their teleporter. He smiled at her.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your fated mate?" Corbin asked. He eyed Austin with a look of severe scrutiny, and Ryleigh felt her heartrate pick up. Austin - strong and kind as he was - was not what her father had in mind for her. She could tell Corbin's gaze made Austin uncomfortable. She wanted to tell him to man-up and stand still, but it wasn't a fair reaction. If she wasn't so used to Corbin's fiery green eyes, strong features, dark brows, she might not have known how to act either.

"Right," Ryleigh said. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind enough to apply to her wits. Where was her quick mouth when she needed it the most? "Austin, meet my father, Alpha Corbin. And this is Parker, our teleporter."

"And her chosen mate," Corbin said, never breaking eye contact with Austin.

Ryleigh's gaze shot to Austin. He stood as though he had frozen over. He eyed Parker, then looked at her as if for confirmation. Through their bond, she could feel his emotions going into overdrive - anger, jealousy, shock, it was all there.

"I was leaving that out on purpose," she said, returning her attention to her father.

"Leaving things out is your specialty, I'll give you that," Corbin said, "but he should probably know who he's up against."

A smirk played around the edges of Parker's lips. He was regarding Austin, and Austin was regarding him, growing more and more visibly agitated. Ryleigh prayed Austin wouldn't get it in his head to fight Parker. Parker was tall - not as tall as Ellis but close - and his muscles were prominent even through his shirt. He was a mountain of a man and he could probably squish Austin with one hand tied.

Slowly, almost lazily, Parker's gaze flitted to her. He stepped forward, his smirk spreading into a grin. "It's been far too long, Ry. I've been awfully bored without you."

"I can imagine." Involuntarily, she returned his smile. He was a jerk, but he was also her best friend, and she was happy to see him. When he pulled her into a hug, she knew she should push him away and possibly punch him for good measure, but instead she let him. Beside her, she sensed Austin's jealousy rising, and though it was wrong, she was flattered by how easily he was riled up because of her.

"Father!" Behind them, Jade appeared from the mansion, her surprised voice booming over the clearing. She dashed down the steps, Ellis right behind her. Parker drew back, making sure to make eye contact with Austin as he did.

"Leave the man in peace," Ryleigh linked him, shooting him a look.

Parker grinned at her. "Where's the fun in that?"

Jade halted beside Ryleigh, slightly out of breath. She opened and closed her mouth without any sounds coming out.

"Jade," Corbin said, acknowledging her with a nod. "I didn't quite appreciate you stealing one of my pack members, but I must say your assertiveness surprised me."

"I have my moments," Jade said. Right after, she linked Ryleigh: "What do we do? What do you think he's going to do?"

"Leave it to me," Ryleigh linked back.

"You must be the alpha," Corbin said, averting his gaze towards Ellis. Ellis straightened up and took a step closer. Ellis had the advantage of youth, and in an equal match Corbin would probably get his ass handed to him, but Shadow Walkers never fought fair. Corbin's magic, let alone his wits, would beat Ellis every time.

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