Chapter 53

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"I have to host a Goddess-awful tea-party today," Corinne said. They – Corinne, Alder, and Jade – were sitting at the breakfast table in the royal's private wing of the castle. Alder was sipping tea and reading through a few letters. He quirked a brow.

"I sure hope that is not the attitude you will be bringing with you."

"You know me better than that. I will be all smiles and polite conversation. Jade, you simply must come with me or I will die."

Alder shook his head and buttered a piece of toast. "One would think you would need some warming up to be so dramatic, but no, you just roll out of bed ready to exaggerate minor inconveniences."

"At least I don't roll out of bed with that awful sense of humour of yours. Jade, you really do must come. Do you want to rob your mate of his mother? Because I won't survive. Lady Ashley is going to be there, and she is such a drag."

"I'll come," Jade said.

"O! Well, that was easy." Corinne smiled and pried apart a bun with her fingers, only eating the soft inside of it. "Come to think of it, where is my darling offspring? He's not usually late. Al, has he said anything?"

"No. I have not seen him since the council meeting last night."

Jade felt heat rush to her cheeks and she quickly brought her cup to her lips. The last thing she wanted was to have to explain Aaron's drunken escapades to his parents.

"What do you know that we don't?" Corinne asked, eying her.

"Nothing," Jade said, her pitch shooting up so high it might have broken the cup in her hands. She put her tea down and shifted on her chair. "There might have been a situation of sorts last night."

"A situation?"

Alder put down his toast, sharing a look with Corinne. "Is this situation something we ought to be aware of?"

They would, soon enough. All would become clear once they found out what she had done to the council.

Fortunately, she was spared the embarrassment of having to explain herself when the door clicked open to admit Aaron. He looked immaculate as ever, but his skin was a sickly white, and his eyes lacked their usual wakefulness. His gaze found hers and again Jade blushed. She didn't know which was worse – to have to tell his parents what happened, or to face her mate.

"Good morning," Corinne said. "We were just trying to force information out of Jade. Something happened last night? You look awful."

"Why, thank you for that, Mother." He sagged down on his seat and poured himself a cup of tea, his gaze flitting up to Jade. "Jade, if you have a moment later –"

"Actually, I am going to be really busy all of today," she said. From poor misery, she grabbed a piece of toast and pretended to need all her faculties in spreading jam over it.

"Surely you can spare a minute."

"No, I don't think so, actually. I'm going to a tea party with Corinne and I have my classes..."


Jade shook her head, dragging her knife across her toast even though the jam was already spread out evenly.

"What is going on?" Alder asked.

"My bet's a lover's quarrel," Corinne said.

"Nothing. This is between me and Jade," Aaron said.

"And the council." The words slipped past Jade's lips before she could bite them back. "And Leia."

"Leia?" Corinne set down her cup with a clang. "Tell me you didn't. Aaron, I swear, if you –"

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