Chapter 5

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Ryleigh watched Austin disappear between the trees. A part of her wanted to go after him, but she didn't have anything to say that would make things better. She felt for him – admitting his feelings so explicitly could not have been easy for him – but she didn't understand how he could not fathom her arguments. Why start something that had so definite an ending?

She waited until Austin was long gone, then shifted. Her wolf complained of being tired, but Ryleigh pushed through anyway. They were pretty far away from the pack and if she was to walk in her human form, it would take forever to get back. A headache started building in her skull. She'd been pushing too hard. With Austin's mark fading as quickly as it was, she really ought to be more careful.

She ignored the pain for a while, but it didn't take long for her head to pound so mercilessly she could hardly see straight anymore. She stopped, the trees swaying in front of her. Her legs were trembling and her chest was burning with a familiar ache. This wasn't good.

With a sigh, she shifted back, giving her wolf a chance to rest. She should have known it'd be too much. Not just running, but confronting her fears, followed by whatever it was that happened afterwards. Did Austin's being angry with her help his mark fade faster? Her health came directly from their bond, so if their bond took a hit, maybe so did her ability to function.

She got up from her crouched position, only to fall directly down again. If there was anything she hated, it was feeling weak. She pushed herself up and up again, until her wolf forced her to stay down. They weren't going anywhere. The pine needles that littered the forest floor pricked her backside and legs. Her fingers pressed against the scar on her abdomen – the entry point of her last dose of silver. Though it had healed thanks to Austin's mark, it still hurt like it was a gaping wound.

She could, theoretically, link Jade. They were close enough to communicate. But that would mean admitting her state, which she wasn't willing to do. If others got wind of her condition, she'd be forced to face it herself, and then she'd have to make a decision: to mark Austin back or to leave him forever. She'd already made the decision – after all, she didn't have much of a choice – but she still wasn't ready to face the music.

It was a good thing Austin had run off. She really didn't need his overbearing ass right then. She crawled to a tree and dragged herself back to her feet, hugging the rough bark to keep herself standing. The mere thought of what had transpired between them made her cheeks flush. She'd never been that close to losing her restraint. Goddess, just imagine what might have happened afterwards. What if their bond would have grown even stronger? What if she – Goddess forbid – had gotten pregnant? What if – no, she'd definitely made the right decision to cut it off.

Her surroundings slowly blinked into focus again. If she took it slowly, she might make it back to the pack without worrying anyone. She took a few steps. Her legs shook, daring her to take the risk of continuing and falling flat on her face. Her chest burned like a wildfire and she pressed her hand against her heart. Was that where the silver was going? Her heart? If so, she had even less time than she'd thought. Come to think of it, no one had said she'd only die when the mark had faded completely. She might die much sooner. What if she was dying right now?

No. She'd be in more pain than this. Her wolf urged her to link Jade, but she tuned the animal out. Then what? Explain she was possibly having a heart attack in the middle of the woods? And then they'd all come and find her naked and soaked, passed out on the ground. She had more dignity than that.

Her chest contracted, an urgent pressure building in her throat. She tried to swallow it away, but the pain persisted and she gave up. Coughs racked her lungs and she sagged to her knees, her entire body convulsing with every cursed, raspy breath. She planted her hands firmly on the ground and closed her eyes, letting it wash over her.

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