Chapter 26

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Jade's heart started hammering against her ribcage when, in a puff of smoke, a teleporter arrived on the clearing, together with Prince Aaron and four of his guards.

The prince was such a social creature. He thanked his teleporter, smiled at the pack members he passed, and exchanged words of greeting with Conall, who had come outside to meet him.

"He's here," she said, running her hands through her hair. She'd felt calm and collected – well, as much as she ever was – just moments before, but seeing him shattered her resolve. She didn't know how she'd made herself believe she could handle this, but she couldn't. If she climbed out the window, she could get to the roof. No one might find her there. But no, she couldn't do that to him, nor to her wolf. The animal was howling in excitement.

"Hold up," Ryleigh said, when Jade moved to the door to meet him. "Wait till a servant comes to get you."

She stopped, her hand already stretched out towards the door handle. "Why?"

"Because he's had you waiting all day, and still you're running downstairs the second he gets here. He can wait a moment. Don't overplay your hand."

Jade was bouncing on her feet. Her wolf ached to catch his scent. Her animal counterpart had spent the past two days in a restless frenzy, bouncing off the walls of Jade's consciousness, hardly giving her time to sleep. She sighed and moved back to the window. Aaron was just disappearing inside; she only just managed to catch another glimpse of his dark hair and broad shoulders.

"Isn't it rude to keep a prince waiting?"

Ryleigh shrugged. "Too bad." She had slipped down onto the bed again, spreading out her arms and legs. She was drumming her fingers against the covers, staring up.

"You need to sleep," Jade said. "You look like death."

There was a knock and Jade rushed to open the door, startling the maid standing in front of it. "Miss, Prince Aaron is downstairs for you."

"I'll be right there. Thank you." Her breath was so high up in her throat she could barely get the words out. She closed the door again and twirled around, leaning back against the wood to catch her breath. "How do I look?"

Ryleigh lifted her head from the mattress. "Fine."

"Just fine?" Jade walked to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room and drew her hair over her shoulders. Perhaps she should've braided it. That usually made her look a little older. She had brushed it, at least. That was a start. She was wearing a simple dress tied tighter around her waist by a ribbon. It wasn't much, but werewolves didn't usually care about appearances. But Aaron wasn't just any werewolf.

"Honey, you could look worse than me and he'd still think you're beautiful. And you are. And if he ever dares to contradict that, I'll rip out his throat."

Jade would've rolled her eyes, had she not known Ryleigh meant it. "Alright, can I go now? It's been long enough, right?"

"O, yes. Those ten seconds must have been torture to him. Go. Have fun or whatever."

Jade left, pressing a hand against her chest as though she could push her heartrate down by sheer force. She hesitated at the top of the stairs, running her hands over the fabric of her dress. She could, hypothetically, turn back around and run. There was still time.

Her wolf growled and pushed her onwards, down the stairs. Her feet made no noise on the carpet, so she was able to sneak down without anyone catching onto her. Aaron was standing in the entrance hall, still talking to Conall. He was standing with his back towards her, and she paused halfway down the stairs, watching him.

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