Chapter 51

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Jade had never felt smaller than when she was sitting in front of Alder's desk. Maybe it was because Alder was a large man – broad-shouldered, muscled, tall. It wasn't hard to see from whom Aaron had inherited his appearance. It was a difficult thing for Jade to realise. She didn't want to look at her mate and see his father. Fortunately, Aaron had his mother's grey eyes, and not his father's blue ones. On the other hand, though he shared his eye-colour with his mother, the hardness of his gaze had been passed onto him by his father.

"I am glad you chose to come," Alder said. "I understand this is not easy for you. I imagine you have many questions about my actions surrounding the decree to make outlaws of your kin."

'Many questions' did not begin to describe it. Yes, she had questions. But she wasn't necessarily looking for answers. Or rather, she wasn't looking for excuses. Answers weren't going to change anything anyway. Her pain overshadowed any confusion she felt.

She imagined Ryleigh sitting in this chair, in the king's office. She had been there, Jade knew. Ryleigh hadn't given her many details about her meeting with Alder, but she knew it had taken place in this very study. How had Ryleigh acted? Had she had questions? Had he given answers?

Perhaps if she had Ryleigh's height, it would be easier to have Ryleigh's confidence. As it was, her chair was too high for her feet to reach the ground. Or her legs were too short. In any case, the toes of her shoes could just manage to hit the floor if she tried.

"Jade?" Alder tilted his head a little, looking at her. How old was the king? He had to be at least fifty. She wasn't sure she would have guessed he was middle-aged if she hadn't known it. There was some grey in his hair that hinted at it. Some lines around his eyes. But his body was still strong, and his gaze still emanated dominance. "You are not speaking."

What to say? Her fingers found the armrests of her chair, bending around the wood. She wanted to make a run for the door. Her feet itched to take her away. Perhaps if they had been able to reach the floor, they would have taken control. Her wolf, however, kept her pinned in her seat. The animal inside of her never walked away from confrontation.

"Apologies," she said, to break the silence and not because she was actually sorry. She wasn't the one who ought to be apologising. "This is odd for me." It was an understatement, but everything she would ever be able to say to the king was going to be an understatement. There were no words to fully convey her feelings, and so nothing she could ever say would do justice to the truth. Had she been more eloquent, more used to putting her feelings into words, then perhaps she could have made him understand a shadow of her pain. But she wasn't.

"I understand." Alder linked his hands on top of his desk. What was it like to be so effortlessly powerful? Every movement he made attracted attention – demanded respect. "I realise that your presence here is new, and so is your acquaintance with my son. Yet I know Aaron very well, and I see that for his part, he has made up his mind. I have not known you nearly as long, and I cannot really say I know you at all, but I am a decent judge of character, and I can tell you care about my son. Therefore it hardly seems hasty to assume your presence here might be of a permanent nature."

Jade's heart started beating faster at the sheer thought of being stuck in the castle for the rest of her life. Assuming for the moment that the rest of her life was going to be a long time, it was a daunting prospect.

"Should you and Aaron decide to mate, you will be a part of my pack and, ultimately, my family," Alder said. "I can imagine being part of any family that has me at the head of it is a challenge for you. You have every right to hate me and I will not ask you not to. Still, if we are to be part of the same family, if you are to bear my grandchildren, we will be forever tied to each other. Therefore, I think it is of paramount importance that we work out our differences as best we can. For Aaron's sake, but for our own as well."

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