Chapter 27

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Ryleigh lay wide awake beside Austin. She glanced at him. He was sleeping so peacefully, she couldn't help but resent him for it. She watched his chest rise and fall and listened to his steady breathing. He was lying on his stomach, one arm gently draped across her.

His touch went a little way in soothing the deep ache in her bones, but it wasn't nearly strong enough to ease the pain in her mind. She closed her eyes – tightly, as though she could force sleep by sheer will.

He stirred when she moved his arm off her, but didn't wake. It really wasn't fair. What did she need to do to be able to sleep like him?

She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the door, sneaking out of the room. She stretched in the hallway, glancing around her. It was dark and quiet around her. Carry's room was opposite Austin's, and Ryleigh could hear the girl's steady breathing. She started down the hallway, passing Conall's room. No breathing there. He was either up or dead – she didn't much care which.

She nearly stumbled when she reached the stairs. There was always something, wasn't there? Either the silver was killing her, or her mind was. She never had a break. She clung to the railing as she went down, her toes sinking into the lush carpet.

There was candle light coming from the parlour and she moved there, curious to see who was there, though she could guess. And yes – she stumbled across Conall. He was sitting on one of the comfortable chairs, his legs kicked up on a small table holding several bottles of liquor. There was a glass on the table, and the few drops still in there indicated he'd used it, but he had opted for drinking straight from a bottle since then.

He was drinking a clear liquid. Gin? Rum?

"What are you doing here?" he asked, nearly growling the words. Ryleigh dumped herself on the sofa opposite his chair.

"Can't sleep. What about you?"

He grumbled something inaudible, but she didn't need him to tell her anyway. His memories told her enough.

"Sky shut you down, huh? I'll be honest – I didn't think you cared about her that much. No, actually I did. Your memories don't lie. I'm just surprised you're letting it get you down so much."

"Shut up."

Ryleigh pursed her lips. "Aren't you a joy to be around. What are you drinking?"

He regarded her darkly for a moment, then held the bottle out to her. She leant forward and rather than reading the label, she took a big swig. The liquor burned down her throat and she pulled a face. Still, she took another swig before handing it back to him.

He cocked a brow, tipping the bottle against his lips again. "What are you trying to forget?" he asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Everything." She shrugged. "I just want to sleep. This might help." She nestled against the armrest of the sofa, stretching out her legs across the length of it. She held out her hand and he gave her the bottle again. It was already half-empty. "I see you've got quite the head-start."

"I've been here a while."

Ryleigh nodded and sipped from the bottle. She thought it was rum, but she had so little experience with anything but wine, it could've been anything. She passed it back to him.

"I know what happened to you."

He growled something and took a few gulps that would probably have knocked Ryleigh right off her feet. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Too bad, because I do." She stretched her arms above her head, groaning as her muscles stretched. The alcohol was starting to work its magic, but the only way she was fully going to be able to relax, was if she drank herself into oblivion. Until then, she'd just have to entertain herself by dragging up Conall's painful past. "How old were you when you met your mate?"

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