Chapter 4

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"I don't know how to swim," Ryleigh said. "I don't want to go in too deep." She glanced over her shoulder at Austin, who nodded.

"I've got you either way."

She waded in deeper, hissing as her warm skin came into contact with the much cooler water. Surprisingly, she was reasonably calm. Her heart wasn't racing yet. She let her free hand break the surface, the water swallowing her fingers.

"It makes no sense for wolves to swim anyway," she said. "Or people. We're not fish. I don't know why I should bother to learn." The lake reached to her waist then, her anxiety rising with the water level.

"In case you ever jump into a raging river to save me again."

She scoffed. "I'm not doing that ever again. Next time, you're on your own." Her wolf growled at her, knowing full well that should it ever be necessary again, they wouldn't hesitate a second. But Austin didn't need to know that.

Something slippery brushed her bare legs and she jumped. Her feet lost their grip on the mushy bottom and slipped into a deep hole. She slipped underwater, her shriek cut off harshly. Instantly, Austin's arms hooked around her and dragged her back up.

She coughed, panting in wild puffs of air. Her legs kicked, fingers clamping around Austin's arm. "Get me out!" Her voice was strangled by her lack of air. "O, Goddess, get me out." Her body slacked, morphing against him. Her chest heaved, and her heart rapped painfully against her ribcage.

"Hey, it's alright," Austin said. He tried putting her back on her feet, but she thought he wanted to let go of her, so she struggled. "It's alright. It's alright – just turn around. There you go. It's alright." He turned her around, his hands slipping easily across her wet skin. Her hair stuck to her face, water dripping down her nose. She buried her face in his chest and felt herself shake like a bunny in front of a rogue.

She wrapped her arms around his waist. Under normal circumstances, she would have been deeply embarrassed by her clinginess, but right then he was the only thing standing between her and a slow, watery death.

"Do you want to get out?" he asked, moving one hand up to the back of her head. His fingers tangled in her hair, and he lowered his head to rest on top of hers.

"If I go out now, I'm never going to go back in." Her arms fell away from his body and she lifted her head, looking around her. Once – a lifetime ago – she would have enjoyed hanging out there. Water used to intrigue her. But that was before.

"Alright. Just hold onto me, yeah?" His hands travelled down and he lifted her up, gently moving her legs around his waist. The movement took her by surprise, but she instinctively draped her arms around his neck. His hands rested on her behind, and she knew she was supposed to tell him off. Or at least she felt she ought. Instead, she hooked her feet behind his back and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Don't let go."

"I won't." He moved a step forwards, deeper into the water. The water lapped against her lower back, a cold contrast to Austin's warm touch. She froze.

"Alright?" he asked.

She hesitated, then nodded into his shoulder.

He took another step; she clung tighter onto him.

"You can never tell anyone about this," she said. He just chuckled, and she pulled her head up, boring her eyes into his. "I'm serious. I'd die of shame."

"I won't tell anyone. And there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I'm hanging onto you for dear life."

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