Chapter 9

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Ryleigh had no recollection of how she'd ended up in the infirmary. The last thing she remembered was passing out in the woods. Embarrassment crawled through her stomach at the realisation that they must have discovered her there – out cold in a pool of saliva and silver.

Interesting enough, she wasn't feeling any pain. She ought to be in a world of hurt. Her eyes blinked open, squinting against the weak morning light peering in from under the closed curtains.

Austin was sitting beside her bed, leaning forwards, his head resting on the edge of her mattress. His hand was slipped around hers and his eyes were closed, his breathing even and calm. He'd fallen asleep at her bedside once before, back when they barely knew each other. Well, they still barely knew each other, but a lot had changed since then regardless. Perhaps it was his touch that eased her pain, but though their bond was strong, it wasn't this infallible. In fact, the only thing that had ever worked this well, was Paige.

She blinked, frowning. Had Jade...? No, she wouldn't. She would never risk pissing off their father. Not like that. She wouldn't dare go behind his back. And yet it was the only explanation.

Her hand inched towards Austin. He looked so peaceful, with his hair falling over his forehead and his lips slightly curved. She pushed a lock of his hair out of his face, tingles running up her arm and vibrating through her entire body at the touch of his skin. He stirred, but didn't wake. Her fingers travelled over his cheekbone, tracing his cheek down to his lips. Goddess, those lips.

"What are you doing?" he said, without opening his eyes. His voice was hoarse, hardly a whisper. She withdrew instantly and he looked at her then, those cursed hazel eyes sparkling. "I didn't tell you to stop." He smirked at her and her heart fluttered, then dropped.

"You know, I like you better when you're sleeping." She struggled up into a seated position and poured herself a cup of water from a jug sitting on the nightstand.

He sat up too. "And I like you better when you're awake."

She chuckled, nearly choking on the sip of water she'd just taken. "Since when?"

"Well, it means you're alive." The playfulness dissipated from his gaze. "I'm sorry I left you behind."

She shook her head and pushed the cup back on the nightstand. "You were right to. Hold up." She placed her palm against his cheek, eyes narrowing in concentration. Without any effort on his part, Austin's mind suddenly went over everything that had occurred the past few hours – quickly and chronologically.

"So it was Paige," Ryleigh said, drawing back. "Jade's insane."

Austin blinked. "Did you just – yes, you did." He shook his head. "She loves you."

"Yes, which is insane." She chewed her bottom lip, drawing her legs under her. "So, you're serious about me, huh?"

"You knew that already." His eyes flitted down to the mattress. "There's nothing stopping you from rejecting me now."

She was silent, looking around the room, or rather looking at everything but him. She feigned a morbid fascination for the clock on the opposite wall. It was six in the morning.

"I could reject you two days ago," she said.

Austin's mouth opened, but no words came out. His lips closed, parted again, expulsing air but nothing else. It took about ten seconds for him to find his voice again. "I don't understand."

Ryleigh shrugged. "My wolf's more in touch with that stuff. She let me know. She could feel your mark had faded enough to allow rejection again."

"But you didn't." Hope flickered in his eyes and she knew she had to extinguish that flame. Thing was, she really didn't want to.

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