Chapter 45

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Jade made sure to keep her back straight and her head up when she was escorted into the council-room. She had no idea what to expect, but figured it wasn't a stretch to assume no one would be on her side, least of all Aaron. The room was large, but empty. The only furniture was a big, rectangular table in the middle of the room, with chairs around it. There was some art on the walls, and some large windows, but nothing else.

Six men were seated around the table. They were all middle-aged and Jade expected little support from them. They all seemed stuck-up and severe. Well – all but one. That is, chances were that the sixth one was just as strict as the others looked to be, but there was one crucial difference that made it impossible for her to know: she couldn't read his mind.

Before her mind could jump to conclusions, she averted her gaze. The mystery around him could wait. King Alder was standing near the window, gazing outside. Jade swallowed. How bad was it, if they had even called the king in to be a part of the conversation?

Corinne and Aaron were standing beside him. Corinne smiled at her when she entered. Aaron did not. He seemed beyond annoyed and rather than mortify her, it pissed her off. Who was he to judge her? Who was he to drag her to this Goddess-forsaken place and not stand by her side?

"Good morning, Jade," Corinne said.

Jade's gaze flitted through the room again. Corinne seemed the only person with any kind of emotion showing on her features. The councilmen might as well have been chiselled from rock, Aaron was doing his best to seem strict, and Alder was as neutral as he always was.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Jade said, bowing her head. The men at the table were discussing – through mind-link – whether or not they should get up and introduce themselves the proper way. They decided against it. They weren't going to show her respect she didn't deserve. It made her smile. Her magic itched at the tips of her fingers. She could show them exactly how much respect she deserved, but she held back. They would learn in time not to underestimate her.

Alder regarded his seated council, lightly shaking his head. He turned away from the window. "I suppose you have not met the council yet. Allow me to introduce them. Wyatt is Head of the Council" – he gestured to the man in question as he spoke – "and these are Gabriel, Robert, Dale and Tobias. I am sure you have noticed you are unable to read Maxwell's mind. He is my half-brother – a royal."

Jade blinked. Another royal? Maxwell smiled at her, inclining his head a little. She nodded back at him. The other men stared at her passively.

"Now, I think you know why we have called you here," Alder said.

"Yes. I knocked out a guard."

"Indeed." He was silent a moment and Jade could tell by his expression that he was linking someone. Next, the door opened and the guard who had fallen victim to Jade's powers walked in. His left arm was hanging limply by his side and Jade attempted to hide her amusement.

"Not only did you render him unconscious for several hours," Wyatt said, "when he awoke, his arm was paralysed. I suppose you have a hand in that as well?"

"You suppose correctly," Jade said. She linked her hands behind her back. Right then, she understood Ryleigh better than anyone. She understood the thrill of confrontation. The excitement of a power play. She had never been as in touch with her Shadow Walker blood as she was right then, standing in that room full of men who didn't respect her, didn't value her. She wasn't afraid. She was indignant. And that made all the difference.

"You need to undo this!" the guard – Mark – said. He cradled his arm, glaring at her with all the vehemence of a man wounded in his pride.

"Watch how you speak to her," Aaron said, his voice so severe the man trembled and ducked his head.

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