Chapter 23

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There was an enormous difference between stealing a peek at the prince while hiding in the dark, and staring at him while standing squarely in front of him, in broad daylight, with nowhere to run.

And Jade sure did stare. She couldn't help herself. Her feet were frozen to the floorboards, her heart hammering in her throat. Had a hurricane come and demolished the entire mansion around her, she'd still be standing right there afterwards, unmovable.

An eternity passed in a second. He stood in the front of the room, gazing at her with his eyes wide, like he had never seen anything quite like her. He probably hadn't, and it probably wasn't a good thing. His back was as straight as a rogue's trajectory to its prey; his clothes were immaculate and fitted to perfection; his hair was combed neatly, his face clean-shaven. Not a smudge or wrinkle in sight. 

If that wasn't intimidating enough, his entire physique was as mouth-wateringly breath-taking as a sculpture carved by the Goddess herself. He had dark brows above light eyes, a strong nose, high cheekbones, lips to die for, and muscles visible even through the fabric of his jacket. It was hardly fair that he was powerful, wealthy, and handsome. The next person to tell her the Goddess didn't play favourites was getting a well-aimed punch in the face.

He tilted his head, the corners of his mouth turning up. Heat rushed to her cheeks. How was it possible she had not even spoken a word yet and had already managed to make a fool of herself? So much for first impressions. Well, second impressions. Well, third, really, and none of them had shed her in a particularly flattering light. She had proven herself a burglar, a violent mage, and a shameless voyeur.

"It really is you," he said, his deep voice throwing more wood on the fire already raging inside her. Had he been ugly, she would have liked him better. In fact, had he been ugly, poor and of absolutely no consequence in the world, she would have been utterly satisfied. But not this.

It dawned on her that while she ogled him, he'd had every opportunity to study her in turn, and while she found him gorgeous, she knew his judgment of her would differ. She was short, sturdy, more hair than head, unkempt. She had nothing that would appeal to him – not even curves. She looked like a teenager still waiting for that promised growth spurt that would never come.

"Speechless, huh?" A low chuckle escaped him and she was sure she'd faint. "You looked like you had plenty to say yesterday. Where has that confidence fled to?"

Her mouth opened, as though her body thought it could force her mind to come up with words by creating the illusion she was about to speak. Her mind was not willing to submit. Her jaws shut.

Her mental breakdown confused him. Or at least she thought it did. She wasn't used to determining people's moods by judging their facial expressions. She was used to judging their minds. His mind, however, was shut off from her. She couldn't even sense it. He might have been puzzled by her mind-controlling powers, but his shielding magic baffled her. She was not equipped to talk to people without knowing their thoughts. She hadn't had a need to cultivate her social skills in over a decade. The only people whose minds she didn't read were Ryleigh's and her father's, but she knew them so well that she might as well have.

In any case, his brows inched down, and he took a step towards her. His movement broke her own paralysis and when he stepped closer, she stepped back. It was bad enough having to look at him, but if she was also to take in his scent, she would lose her mind. Not that his natural scent was easy to pick up. She understood what Ryleigh had meant when she'd said he smelled of soap and nothing else.

"You look terrified," he said, and he seemed yet to decide whether that bewildered or amused him. "Do I scare you?"

She shook her head, not trusting her voice. She swallowed, forcing saliva around the lump in her throat. Slowly, her mind picked itself up from the floor. Her hands moved up to her head and she tucked a few strands of unruly hair behind her ears. Was she supposed to curtsy?

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