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Jason's POV

"Well this is just the beginning. It is a pleasure to work with you Mr. Cartwright."

I couldn't help myself smiling at the deal he just proposed. The benefits are good, the plan is brilliant, and they agree with my idea.

It's perfect.

Mr. Russo stood up and starts to shake Matt's hand and Chase's as well, I stood up from my seat and shook his hand politely and to the rest of his team advisors and lawyer. Matt starts to escort them out of the room and my eyes quickly snapped back to Chase who slumped back in his seat with a heavy sigh. What bothers me about him was that, he was wearing his dark shades the whole time and never bothered to take them off during the meeting. I cleared my throat to get his attention and he stood up again and faced me.

"You were late again today." He just nods his head and stared at the portrait hanging on the wall near the door.

"I had to meet up with someone first. Thought it was important but I guess I was wrong."

With his shades on I couldn't really tell his expression to see if he was being serious or was just joking around. He interrupted today's meeting by walking in and acting as if he's just on time for the movie start and it kinda made me a little worried about what the Italian guests would think of his behavior and might say that we're not serious enough with our offer.

"By the way, why do you have your shades on? Are you hung-over or something?"

I asked him while making my way out of the room and he slowly followed by my side.

"No, somebody clearly has an overprotective older brother that surprisingly called me this morning and wanted to talk but guess what? He didn't want to talk, he wanted to give me this!"

He stopped in front of me and took off his glasses and that's when I finally saw what he was trying to hide behind them. I almost burst out laughing when I saw the dark purplish bruise surrounding his left eye.

"Whoa. Dude, that looks bad." He angrily puts his shades back on and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah well, when it comes to Shawn Falcon this is nothing compared to the "bad" thing I did to his sister during our date."

My eyes widened in surprise at what he just said.

"Shawn Falcon did that to you? And what exactly did you do to his sister that pissed him off?"

He stopped walking again and bowed his head down to the floor and sighed again.

"I'm not in the mood to explain. She's unbelievable! I swear to god, I will-"

I glanced at him in confusion when he suddenly stops talking and looking straight ahead.

"You will what?" He slowly pulled his glasses down to the bridge of his nose and points at something in front of us. Or rather at someone.

"You!" He exclaimed in a furious tone.

I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on the blonde standing just a few feet ahead of us staring back at us, mirroring Chase's expression.

What's going on?

Shay's POV

I stormed my way out with many questions burning in my head, looking for a possible reason to know why on earth he would be here out of all places in the world! I was fully aware that he was hot on my trail so I stopped in a corner where there's not too many people around and turned around to finally face him. He stopped two meters in front of me and his mouth set in a hard line before pointing his finger at me.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here. What are you, spying on me or something?" I scoffed and fold my arms in front of me.

"I could ask you the same thing." Now it was his turn to scoff in disbelief while running his fingers through his hair, clearly in frustration.

"For your information, I work here. This is my company. Now your turn and if you dare lie to me again, I will have security escort you out immediately."

My arms went limp by my sides as I debated with myself on how I should tell him the truth, now that I know that he owns the place. He must be the other boss that Sylvia must be talking about.

Lord why?! Why does it have to be him out of all people?!

" here too." He starts to laugh and wags his finger at me again.

"Nice try. I'm calling security right now."

"No wait!"

"You're not gonna lie your way out again this time."

"I'm serious Chase. I really do work here, believe it or not, you can even ask the Department Of Registrar Of Companies if you want. I'm not here to spy on you, like c'mon, that would be like the last thing I do when it comes to you. I'm telling you the truth."

He kept staring back at me without saying a word, I was trying to figure out if he really believed me or not but it was really hard when he has his shades on.

"You have got to be kidding me! Seriously? Why would someone like you be working here out of all places? Hang on, does your parents even know that you're here working for me?" He asked with a hint of mischievousness in his eyes.

"No, and they don't need to know and we'll keep it that way." He smirked back and suddenly took off his sunglasses and that's when I saw the dark bruise around his eye.

"Yeah I don't think so. Your brother will have to pay for this-" He points at his eye. "-and I think Mr. Falcon would like to know what his precious daughter is up to nowadays."

My fists clenched tightly by my sides as I tried to come up with ways in my mind to offer him a deal or something just so he can keep my secret safe.

"Look, Chase-"

"I don't think we're that close to be settling on first name basis." I bit my tongue and forced a smile on my face.

"Mr. Evans, I think we should just let this go, just this once. I promise I won't be any problem to you and I'll stay out of your way and you will promise to keep my secret. Do we have an agreement?"

He smirked and fold his arms across his chest. "And what makes you think I'll agree to that?"

I pretended to think for a second and then shrugged my shoulders.

"Because I don't think you will want my brother to repeat the same thing on the other eye. I'm sure you must know by now of what he's clearly capable of so if you don't want a "permanent bruise" we should just agree to this right now and keep this conversation to ourselves. What do you say?"

His smile slipped and his jaw tightened. It took him about two minutes to blow out an exasperated breath and glared back at me.

"Fine, whatever! Just stay out of my sight and we won't have a problem."

With that being said, he turns around and stormed back inside. I released a sigh of relief and sat down on the bench beside the flower garden behind me. I thought I was going to be screwed today but I'm actually glad that I was able to handle the situation so fast. But that doesn't change the fact that he still owns the place and that he's also my boss. If there's one thing I know that I'm good at doing, it's avoiding people that needs to be avoided.

So Chase Evans, I don't think staying out of your sight is going to a problem at all.

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