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Jason's POV

After leaving Shay's office, I went up to the 12th  floor to the conference room where the meeting is held. Soon after I arrived, people started to come in as well and starts sitting around the big and long rectangular shaped table with their files or folders in hand. I was already sitting down, waiting for all members of the board and team leaders of each department to arrive. I looked to the side and watched the two guys setting up the projector and the computer nearby just to distract myself from thinking about what Shay said to me a few minutes ago.

I was one step closer to getting her back but everything went wrong when she chose to listen to that little devil on her shoulder that kept reminding her of my mistake. I know she still feels the same about me coz otherwise she wouldn't kiss me back like the way she just did before. She still wants me and I also wants her back and ask for a second chance but why does it have to reach this level of complicated?

She finally arrived in the conference room and I watched her sit on the chair just a couple of seats away from me near the head of the table. After everyone is finally seated in the room, the meeting starts and Falcon Group's head company secretary starts the meeting by laying out his slideshow presentation about the current company's budget, profit layouts, ongoing sales projects with their profit rates. I couldn't focus on the meeting, and I couldn't stop glancing at her every after five minutes either. Are there any other ways for me to try so she can finally forgive me?

C'mon Jason think!

What can I possibly do to finally make her forgive me and give me another chance?

Halfway through the meeting when another team leader was about to begin their presentation, the door suddenly opens and a woman that I recognized as Shay's assistant hastily walks in and walked over to Shay and whispered something in her ear. The meeting had come to an abrupt stop and everyone was confusingly staring at her. Her expression suddenly turns to alarmed and she stood up from the table and glanced at everyone sitting in the room.

"I'm so sorry everyone, I need to leave because of a family emergency. Please, do continue the meeting without me."

She quickly leaves the room and her assistant grabs her notepad and other things on the table before following her. I was confused about what just happened, whatever family emergency just came up it probably wasn't good because she wouldn't look panic like that. Without a second thought, I stood up from my seat and also left the room and went after her. I don't care about the meeting or anything else, making sure that she's feeling alright is what I really care about now. They were already in the elevator and the doors closed before I could get there in time, and I quickly turned around and pressed the button to another one on the side.

The doors finally opened a minute later and I got in, I arrived back in the lobby where I spotted her heading straight outside. I jogged after her and quickly slides through the revolving door and grabbed her wrist before she could get inside her car which was already park out front. Her eyes were in a daze and she looks kinda shaken up.

"Are you okay?" She pulled her hand away from mine and proceeded to open the door but I pushed it back in to close.

"Jason..........please go. I don't wanna talk to you right now." She weakly replied.

I grabbed her arm and swiftly turn her around to face me again.

"You don't have to talk to me, just tell me what happened and where do you wanna go."

"Please stay out of this, it's none of your business."

"I can't! Not when you're in this state and I don't think you're capable to drive anywhere right now. So just tell what happened."

She stared back at me with a hesitant look in her eyes, and then she finally sighs and leaned her back against the car.

"My dad had collapsed and he's at the hospital right now."

I was caught off-guard by that answer, I didn't expect that to happen to the old man. More importantly, I wasn't expecting her to react to the news like this at all. I thought she hated her family? But I guess, family is still family. No matter how much you hate them, there will always be a small space in your heart that will always care for them.

"Give me your keys, I'll drive you to the hospital." She angrily scowled back at me.

"I told you to stay out of this, I'll drive there myself."

I grabbed the keys from her hand and looked directly in her eyes.

"This isn't up for discussion, now get in the car."

She glared at me for about a whole minute and then finally walks around to the other side and gets into the front seat. I held back my triumphant smile and jumped inside the car and starts driving to the hospital. We didn't talk much along the way, I figured she wasn't in the mood anyway because she was looking out the window the entire time. We arrived at the hospital and I parked in the parking lot and she quickly steps out of the car and starts making her way in without saying a word. I pocketed her keys and quickly followed her inside, she briefly stopped by the front desk while talking to a nurse and then when she starts heading towards the elevator, I picked up my pace and stepped inside the lift with her, right on time.

She gave me a look before rolling her eyes and then reached out to press the tenth floor button.

Shay's POV

I still can't comprehend the reason why he's coming with me, I was hoping he would just leave me at the hospital and go back to the company but here he is, in the elevator with me on its way up to see dad. I still can't believe what happened to him, I thought he was still keeping up with the regular medical checkup routine so how the hell did this happen? We finally reached the tenth floor and I quickly walked out and saw Shanelle and Shelby standing nearby looking visibly worried. I approached them and Shelby turns towards me but her eyes quickly snapped to Jason right behind me.

"How's dad? Is he okay?" Her fierce blue eyes snapped back to me and she turns away without a word.

What the hell is her problem?

"He's in the ICU but the doctor said they'll move him in a private room soon. We can't see him yet."

Shanelle informs me instead with a disheartened tone. I rubbed my hands along my arms and slowly turned back around to Jason but without looking at him. I was so worried for a moment there, I don't think I can get used to it if I lose another family member at this point in my life. Even if they don't mean a lot to me these days. Jason stood a little closer in front of me and gave a small encouraging smile with his hand on the side of my arm. Even if a small part of me wanted to push him away again and ask him to leave, I didn't do it straight away. The familiar comfort of him for being right by my side in this situation, was enough to drive all anxiousness away from me. He made me feel that I wasn't alone to face this by myself.

And I hate to admit it, but I'm actually glad that he was here with me right now.

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