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Shay's POV

"He has that cool, boss like demeanor you know? Sometimes I get shocked of how intimidating he can be, like he has this on and off switch that he can press anytime to become scary while dealing with work and switched back to the kind and cool guy he really is. That's like one of the things that I like about him, he surely knows how to handle himself really well without any help from anyone."

The whole time Sylvia was going on and on about Jason, my eyes were fixated on her expression the whole time. It's only a matter of time till she realizes that she could be in love with him. I don't know him that well but she sure does, and it's probably not that hard to like a guy like Jason. He's good looking, has that hint of an aussie accent in his voice, very professional at work and I can tell that he's actually a nice guy even without Sylvia telling me that he really is.

Sylvia and I are more like best friends than cousins. I know her better than anyone and I also know the last time she's ever been like this, ranting off about a guy that she really likes, and that last time was like years ago back in tenth grade. I know that she's been through a lot of tough things that she doesn't really like talking about so watching her being this happy and excited makes me glad. My eyes involuntarily glanced at the clock hanging on the wall above her head and I jumped up from my chair and grabbed my phone lying on top of her table. We were so engrossed in our conversation in her office that I didn't realize what the time is.

"Shit!" Sylvia stared up at me in confusion while I browsed through the recent messages that came a while ago and I was busy ignoring them.

"What's wrong?" I pocketed my phone and grabbed my handbag from the other chair next to mine.

"I have to go, Shawn wants to meet up at his Villa in Pac Heights. I think something is up. Call you later?" She quickly nods her head at me.

"Yeah sure. See you tomorrow."

I waved her goodbye and quickly walked out of her office. Shawn asking me to meet him at his Villa is an unusual thing, the only thing I could of is maybe something bad is going on at the company or he wanted to tell me something important. I got into the elevator and right when the doors were about to close, someone's hand came in between the opening and I was once again standing face to face with none other than Jason Cartwright. My breath got hitched in my throat when his eyes met mine, I quickly looked down while moving to the side while he stepped inside and stood beside me and pressed the first floor button.

A sudden thought quickly popped into my mind and my fingers tightly wrapped themselves around my handbag handle as I debated with myself if I should just go ahead and ask him or not cos it's a bad idea and Sylvia might hate me for this. Well she also might thank me later if this turn out well. So without any more thinking, I turned to the side to face him and plastered a smile on my face.

"Hey, are you free this Saturday?"

There! I said it, I can't believe I am actually doing this but it's worth a shot.

He angled his face to the side to see me and I swallowed the tight knot in my throat when I saw the look of surprise on his face.


"Are you free this Saturday?" I slowly asked again. He turned around so he can fully face me and after a minute he started chuckling.

"Are you seriously asking me this?" His expression turned cold and he points his finger at his face without breaking eye contact with me.

"Did you forget who I am? I'm your boss."

I inhaled deeply but it was kinda troubling to do so when he was staring at me so coldly, so I quickly racked my brain for a good reason to tell him.

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