☆ Welcome ☆

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Welcome to my story "Moving In With The Enemy"! I've been so busy this past year with everything that life has been throwing my way and I feel like now I'm at a place where I can write and focus on it properly.

I've been tossing this idea around for a while and trying to refine it with some tweaks here and there. This story will be following a university student, Annie, through a relatable issue for lots of students in secondary programs, figuring out how live near campus. Most of the time there's some sacrifice with student housing, and Annie will certainly have her hands full!

I'm a uni student myself and I am still doing school work on top of writing this book and I will do my absolute best to get at least one or two chapters out a week. 

Please interact with the book and thank you for picking it to read! I'm excited to get some content out there for you all again!!

Stay safe and be kind to each other,

- June <3

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