Chapter 58 ~ "Until I Met You"

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Here I am packing another suitcase for New York. Maybe I should have lied to get out of this, told him I would have preferred his parents to come here. 

But he would have hated that more than the trip, Walker's parents being anywhere near Brown and his life here made him angry and I could understand why. I have to suck this up, we're on good terms, things are great between us and it's time to rip off the last band-aid in our relationship.

Besides, it can't be anymore of a disaster then when we told Piper.

I have a simple carry-on suitcase and my backpack, it's only three days including this one so I don't need to pack a whole lot.

I zip everything shut and wheel my suitcase out to the main room, going to double check that my Gravol is in a secure place on my backpack.

Mark's at the dinning room table doing some work and I sigh, putting on my sneakers.

"You two heading out?" He asks and I nod quietly. "Can't believe he wants you to meet his parents, I've only met his mom once and I've known him for almost four years."

I smile a bit with a simple shrug. "I've met them before."

"When?" He asks and I sigh.

"November, when I went with him for Thanksgiving weekend." I answer and his eyebrows raise. 

"What are they like?"

"I-um...." I stall a bit, knowing Walker wouldn't want me to talk about it. "They're nice, what are you working on?"

"Just a group project." He shrugs, clearly so deep into what he's working on that he barely noticed how obvious that change of conversation was.

I hear Walker hurry down the hall, wheels rolling on his suitcase. He appears beside the kitchen in a pair of sweatpants and a black hoodie.Even in such relaxed clothes he looks amazing. He's rushed, checking his phone and placing his AirPods in the outside pocket on his bag.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod.

"Good morning to you too." I answer, poking fun at his obvious stress for this flight. He hates to fly, hates being late or unorganized. Airports were not Walker's friend, not to mention the fact that we were going to somewhere that raked up all kinds of traumatic memories for him.

He pauses a bit, slowing down in the moment and he stops, shoulders sagging. He makes the few steps over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, good morning." He mumbles, kissing my forehead and Mark holds up his end of their agreement, pretending to gag.

"It's been almost two weeks, aren't you sick of that by now?" I ask, putting my arm around Walker's back, squeezing my cheek on his chest.

"Not as sick as I am of watching you two be nice to each other all the time." He mumbles and I shrug.

"I'm ready when you are." I whisper and Walker nods.

"I'll put the bags in the car." He answers, picking up our suitcases and I smile.

"Hold down the fort for us?" I ask Mark and he smirks a bit, sort of like a father who was learning to accept her daughter's boyfriend.

"Sure will, have fun." He nods and I grin, walking over to give him a quick hug. "Yeah, yeah, go have a good time, see you Sunday night." He sighs and I chuckle.

"Bye!" I call, closing the apartment door and hurrying up the steps.

Walker's closing the trunk and I hop into the car. I hope this trip is low-key, the last two times were so full of stuff I almost passed out.

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