Chapter 47 ~ "I'm Sorry"

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"I don't understand why you're nervous." Mom says, leaning against my door and I sigh.

"I don't have a Christmas gift for him, mom." I mumble, stuffing everything back into my bag.

I had to go to the apartment, do my laundry, pack a new bag and then get to the airport for mine and Walker's trip. Truthfully it wasn't the packing making my stomach twist, it was the pressure I'd put on myself.

"So? He told you he didn't want one, right?" She asks and I sigh.

"But he's taking me to New York." I whisper. "Isn't that enough of a reason to try at least?"

"Just.....give him something that feels authentic, something from you." She whispers, walking into my room and squeezing me tightly. "Have so much fun, Annie. I love you."

"I love you too." I smile and she grins, pulling back. 

I grab my bags and head towards the living room, putting my things in a pile. He said he was going to the gym this morning but then he'd be back to pick me up.

I watch his black car pull up outside and I smirk. "You think he's brave enough to come in anymore?" Mom teases, taking a seat next to my father on the couch. I watch his head pop out of the car as he steps out and locks it, coming back up the driveway.

"Why stop now?" I tease and they both smile. 

He looked so good, his skin had grown a bit fairer now that summer had ended. But his eyes were still electric, nice jawline, white teeth and his dark hair was damp.

He knocks and steps inside, giving me a perfect grin and I chuckle. "Want a hand?" He asks and I nod.

"That would be amazing." I whisper and he grabs my suitcase as I walk over to say goodbye to my parents.

"I'll go drop this stuff in the car Annie, meet me when you're done." He says and I nod, my parents wave and I get a big hug from both of them.

"Good luck, honey. Have fun." Dad whispers and I nod, taking the last of my things and walking to the door.

Honestly, I love my family and my parents......but being home for almost ten days was exhausting. It's a good time to get out and be young with Walker again. I hurry down to his car and dump my stuff in the back seat.

Once I sit in the passenger seat he leans over to kiss my cheek. I smile, putting on my seatbelt and grabbing his hand as he pulls away from the curb.

"How are you this morning?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm excited." I admit and he smiles.

"Walk me through all the stuff you need to do, I know you have a list." He chuckles and I sigh.

"Laundry first, then packing. Do I need a dress for this party?" I ask and he smiles. 

"Something fancy yeah, but it could involve pants. I don't care as long as you're comfortable in it."

"Then I'll have to go shopping at some point." I sigh. "But it could be in New York, not here."

"You want another personal shopper?" He teases and I feel my cheeks flush when I remember the bag of underwear he'd bought for me on our last trip.

"I don't think I need that." I whisper back. "But you're welcome to come along again if you want."

"Whatever you want." He shrugs and I smile. I know he meant it in the way that was 'I don't give a shit about anything Annie and I know you really do, so do what you want', but it made me happy that he was always so concerned with if I was happy.

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