Chapter 54 ~ "I Can Live With That"

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Today is a good day.

It's the best day I can think of in recent memory, well......maybe only second to Walker's visit two weeks ago.

I get to go home today and I couldn't be happier. I have everything packed and I finally get a bit of a break from my constant stream of work. The findings our group came up with were published in a journal and we all got partial credit for our work.

After Doctor Elliot found out about Adrian he got removed from our group which everyone couldn't have been more pleased about. He was genuinely useless to our team and I was happy not to be hit-on everyday.

I did a lot of work over the past month and it really paid off. I was almost ready to go back home because I knew even working at the pool and doing my schoolwork, I'd still be happier and way less stressed than I am here.

Not to mention the best thing waiting at home for me, Walker. My boyfriend, someone I love and who loves me.

We'd really fixed virtually every problem we had, he was way more vulnerable with me now, way better about talking about hard things. I missed him bad when he left two weeks ago, he had to go back to meet with his professor the next morning and I wished he could have stayed longer. Even if the two of us didn't really fit in my bed comfortably.

I had all my bags packed up, my student card was deactivated and I was waiting outside my dorm building for my Uber to the airport.

I'd really enjoyed my time at Northwestern, it was incredibly beautiful here and the people had been mostly nice. Including Thea, the girl I'd met in the bathroom at that mixer. She and her boyfriend were really nice and I had her information to stay in touch once I left.

It sucked and there were so many nights that I wanted to just quit and go home......but I didn't. I pushed through and made it to the end and now my undergrad resume couldn't look better. I'm meant to do this, my brain loves it and one day it'll be way less challenging than this.

I help the Uber driver load my bags into the trunk, I can't wait to get away from my shitty twin bed, meal hall food and the germs in this place.

I'm headed home and......I don't really want to leave again. I want to stay at Brown for my Masters, I've applied and now I just have to wait and see what they say.

Once I'm at the airport I tag and weigh my bags, sending them off to be loaded onto the plane. Then I take my carry-on and purse, walking to the security line.

I always seem to stress out here, like I forgot I packed a knife or a pound of cocaine. But I move through pretty easily. The airport's not too busy right now, I guess most people don't take flights at the end of January.

Once I'm out the other side, I repack my stuff and head up to my gate. The airport is big and I've never flown alone before I came here the first time. But surprisingly, everything goes well and I take a seat at my gate, pulling out my phone.

I said goodbye to everyone yesterday because I had so much to do to get ready today. I'd land back home around three and I couldn't wait to crawl back into my own bed.

My phone buzzes and a text from Walker pops up on the screen.

WALKER [11:41 AM]
*You already at the airport?*

ME [11:41 AM]
*Just got to my gate, boarding's in about five minutes*

He'd texted a few times this morning too, I could tell he was excited for me to come back. I was excited too.

WALKER [11:42 AM]
*Still landing around 3:15ish?*

ME [11:42 AM]
*Yep! Excited to see you <3*

Moving In With The EnemyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz