Chapter 13 ~ "Not So Tough Now, Huh?"

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I've made a huge mistake.

The apartment has turned into a petty war zone over the last two weeks. I did regret blowing things up with Walker, partly because I knew he was trying to extend an olive branch that day and I'd kind of just told him that didn't matter to me. But also because I'd ruined the vibe of the general apartment. Things were tense and I felt responsible.

I was trying my best to just put up my best uncaring exterior, not meet his eyes, not act like I regretted it. 

The other part of me knew I was right for telling him that he'd been treating me badly. If it wasn't for us living together, I never would have become acquaintances with him. I didn't accept people treating me that way and I'd been doing my best to cut those sorts of people out of my life since high school.

Like I expected, he had returned to his previous mood towards me. Brooding, arrogant, angry and worst of all, messy. He made these huge messes all the time and left them, knowing I'd clean them. It was starting to piss of Mark and Dustin too, who were sick of Walker treating the apartment like a pigsty. 

I had just finished his kitchen mess now, finally after about thirty minutes of loading dishes that weren't mine into the dishwasher. 

The only good thing that had come out of this apartment arrangement was the decent friendships I had with Mark, Dustin and their other friends. Especially Abby and Chase who always made an effort to hang out with me. Chase and I had become pretty decent homework buddies too since he'd invited me to join his study group.

He was supposed to be over in about thirty minutes and I wanted to get my laundry in to wash. I sigh and go grab my hamper from my room, walking it down the hall to the half-bath and opening the washer to find soaking wet clothes still inside. They hadn't been washed long, who's were they?

"Hey Annie." Mark says in a chipper tone and I smile.

Things were thankfully, not as awkward as I thought they'd be after Mark had that girl over. We'd managed to iron it out and it had become a joke to laugh at from time-to-time.

"Hey, do you know who's stuff this is?" I ask and he presses his lips together.

"Walker's." He mutters and I sigh. "I've got to go to work, but I'll see you later."

"Alright, bye." I mumble with a wave and he heads out. 

I immediately shut the door to the washer, stand up straight and marching down the hall to Walker's room.

I knock on the door once, earning no response. This is ridiculous, the man isn't special and doesn't get to leave his shit everywhere. 

"Walker!" I call through the door with another knock. I knock one more time when the door suddenly flies open and he opens it, leaving my hand hanging awkwardly in midair. I gulp harshly, he was an imposing figure when it came down to it.

"Annika." He answers and I roll my eyes. He'd also started doing that, calling me by my full name after catching a glimpse of my credit card. "What brings you by?" He asks, crossing his arms and his biceps flex.

"I need to do laundry." I answer, trying to sound firm.

"And you need help, do you?" He chuckles with this sarcastic tone and I press my lips together, narrowing my eyes. "As sad as that is, I'm currently in the middle of something."

"Tough shit, go move your laundry to the dryer." I tell him angrily.

"No." He shrugs and I feel my eyes widen. "I will when I'm ready, in about twenty minutes. But you're welcome to move it now if you so desperately need to."

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