Chapter 53 ~ "I Want To Try"

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WARNING! Some mature themes ahead!

"We didn't have to go somewhere this nice." I mumble as Walker sends his credit card back for our tab.

He'd selected a new steakhouse that he'd heard about through a family friend. It was delicious but man, was it ever expensive. I would have been happy doing anything with him, it didn't have to be this nice.

"Annie, let me spend money on you." He sighs. "It's a special night, you and I have done diners and shitty chain food before, this is special and I wanted to do something nice. I won't put our fancy clothes to waste."

"Well I really appreciate it." I mumble and he smiles, reaching out for my hands. "You keep turning up when I miss you." I whisper and he chews the inside of his cheek, keeping a smile back.

"That's my job." He sighs. "I'm trying to be there for you more when you need me, keep you updated."

"I'm happy about that." I shrug, feeling his thumb brush my knuckles.

Walker's card is returned to our table and he slides it away, gesturing for the two of us to leave. I pull on my coat and lean into his side as we walk back down the sidewalk.

"I'll get us an Uber, hold on-"

"It's a nice night, Walk." I whisper, tugging his sleeve. "Let's make the fifteen minute walk back."

He sends me a smile and I grab his hand as he instead wraps an arm around my shoulders, dragging me close.

"Where.....are you planning on staying? Or for us to stay?" I ask, unsure of his plans.

"I thought I'd stay in your room if that's alright?" He suggests. "Give you that experience you never had of sleeping in a dorm bed with someone else."

"Really?" I chuckle and he nods.

"Yeah, I don't want you to sleep far away." He admits. "I've missed having you home and near me."

"I miss you too." I sigh. "Like all the time, I think about you and......I think about where we left things." I mumble and he nods quietly.

"Look, I didn't come to put pressure on you, I know you've already got way too much happening, I just wanted to-"

"Walker." I cut in and he nods. "I want our old relationship back, I called you my boyfriend for a reason tonight, I want to go back to us together." He stops walking completely, mouth hanging open. "I did need that time, it was good for me to get my head screwed on right but.....I missed you the whole time."

"You're serious?"

"Completely serious." I answer with a nod. "I'm sorry I didn't bring it up sooner but it felt weird to do this over a FaceTime call-"

He cuts me off with a kiss and I giggle, leaning into it more. I've never been more in the moment than I am right now, on the sidewalk, with Walker.

"Annika." He mumbles, holding my face in his hands and I smile. "I've missed you so much."

My heart nearly melts when he says that, because he's being totally honest with me. He says it all the time but having him here in front of me makes it feel different.

"Me too." I answer quietly.

"Let's get home, it's cold out here." He suggests and I nod, latching onto his bicep for the walk back.

I couldn't be more pleased with this surprise, he'd done a lot of nice things for me over the past few months and I loved him for it. He'd changed completely, he'd started to like me and more importantly, he'd started liking himself.

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