Chapter 35 ~ "Looks Like We're Not Good Travellers"

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I have officially lost my mind.

In two hours I'm getting on a plane to New York with the most complicated person I've ever met. I've double-checked everything three times, I have all of my stuff for my interview which was really being held in the back of my mind as the most important thing for me to keep track of.

I had a bag to check and then my backpack as my carry-on, I knew I'd overpacked, but I didn't know what we'd be doing or where we'd be staying. 

Dustin had left on Tuesday night to go home for Thanksgiving, I'm not sure what his plans were for the two days of class he'd be missing but his parents wanted him home. Mark left last night for Salt Lake and sent us a very exhausted video of his flight landing at two a.m. 

Walker and I were all that was left. The ironic part was that my family only lived about thirty minutes away and yet I was getting on a plane.

Mom had practically jumped for joy when I told her about my last minute trip. She was excited for me, she knew how much I wanted to go and when she heard Walker was taking me.....well, let's just say she practically insisted I should go.

"Annie!" I hear with a knock on my door. "You ready to go?" It's Walker's voice, we should leave.

"I'm just turning out lights!" I call, turning off my lamp and grabbing the rest of my stuff, going over the most important things in my head.

ID, credit card, laptop and charger, cellphone and charger, money, purse, tampons-


"I'm coming!" I call back, rolling my eyes.

I didn't have a massive suitcase, but it was a bit bigger than a carry-on. I wheel it out of my room to see Walker with his suitcase in the hall.

"Let's go." He says. "Pass me your suitcase, I'll put it in the car. Lock the door and I'll see you in a sec."

I nod and he picks it up with ease, walking down the hall. I check everything, getting out my keys and locking our front door after me. I walk up the steps to see Walker, hopping into the car.

I slip into the passenger seat, feeling uncomfortable with what was really about to happen. I was putting trust into someone who repeatedly fucked up and made me question him, but I want New York. I can put up with him to go.

He parks at the airport, something my parents never do. It costs a damn arm and a leg to park there for any stretch of time, but Walker doesn't seem concerned. 

He pulls my suitcase out of the trunk for me and we wheel them to the terminal in silence. Things could not be more tense if we tried.

We wait in line to get our bags checked and then we go through security after the desk lady gives Walker our boarding passes.

Security always stressed me out, I'm not too sure why. It's not like I packed a bomb and forgot about it.

I slip off my sneakers and coat, putting my laptop in a separate bin. I walk through the metal detector and it doesn't beep, thank god. Then I start packing up my stuff as Walker makes his way through behind me. 

Once we're upstairs we have about thirty minutes to kill, I shrug, unsure of what to do. We don't hangout one-on-one a lot.

"So.....what are you in the mood for?" He asks. "Hungry?"

"I might go to the Starbucks." I mumble and he nods.

"I'll take you, come on." He shrugs, nodding his head down to where it sits and I start my walk with him beside me.

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