Chapter 69 ~ "What Goes Around Comes Around"

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I finally got my email.

Even though Doctor Binkley told me I have a spot I'm still nervous to open it. I probably should've waited until I was alone to even open the email, but instead I can't wait and I'm opening it on my way out of lecture.

I open the email, immediately scanning the first few lines. But in a large box at the top are the words 'congratulations' and 'welcome'. I feel my heartbeat immediately slow down and a feeling of relief wash over me, clutching my phone to my chest. 

It's official, I'm staying at Brown next year. Which means I stay with the school I know, my family and of course Walker. We'd get to start a real life together, still have our friends and our studying, but we'd be together. I remember what a mess that month I spent at Northwestern was, how much I always missed him and how I felt like I was always without a support system.

I'd have to text my parents and let them know what was going on. They knew I was waiting to hear and I knew they'd been anxiously waiting to find out what I was going to do for my living situation next year. 

I'll do it later, right now I just want to go home and be with someone I love. I pull out my phone, dialling Walker's number. 

"Hello?" He answers, it barely rang once. I can hear a whirring noise in the background and he sounds far away.

"Are you in the car?"

"Yeah, coming back from the mall, I had to pick up a suit." He answers and I hear his turn signal blinking.

"Well look at you, running hot errands in your spare time." I tease and he laughs loudly over the other end.

"It's for my final business presentations and graduation. Mom cut out the middle-man." He shrugs. "What's up baby, you only call when you really need to tell me something." He chuckles and I grin.

"I just got my Brown email." I whisper. "It's all official, I got my spot and I'm staying here next year." I grin, barely able to stop. I feel like a five-year-old.

"That's great news." He agrees. "Where are you? I'm close to campus, I'll pick you up."

"Arts building, home base." I tease.

"I'll be there in two minutes." He answers. "Love you." He hangs up and I feel even happier. He's so sweet, even before we ever got together, him offering to bring me places was how he showed he cared. It was adorable. It made me think of him driving me to and from work, lying and telling me he liked to work out late at night when I knew now after months of dating, that that was a load of horse shit.

I watch his Jeep pull up moments later and I hurry outside, knowing he's double parked. I open the door and slide into the passenger seat, leaning across to kiss his cheek.

"Hey sweetheart." He whispers, putting the car in drive. 

"Hi." I mumble, chucking my bag down by my feet and pulling on my seatbelt. 

"So, how do you want to celebrate? I'll drive anywhere you want to go, that's great news." He suggests and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I don't know." I shrug. "Could we just go home? I want to spend time with you." I suggest and he puts his hand over mine.

"I have an idea first and then we sure can." He answers and I nod, sitting back in the seat. Just being this close was amazing, seeing him was like taking a drug. Addictive.

We drive about ten minutes from our house to the other side of campus, he pulls up on a random side street and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Come with me." He grins and I undo my seatbelt, hopping out of the car. 

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