Chapter 59 ~ "I Want You To Know Me"

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I feel light and airy while we eat dinner in the small sitting room off the foyer. I refused to eat it in the grand dinning spaces surrounding the kitchen because those felt completely cold and uninviting. Walker of course agreed and smiled, letting me chose the spot.

Our early dinner was steak with roasted potatoes and green vegetables. Incredibly boring as a dish, but delicious in taste. Whoever had made it certainly seemed to know what they were doing.

"Did you want a glass of wine with dinner?" He asks, breaking me from my enjoyment of our food.

"I'm alright with my water." I whisper and he shrugs.

"Just offering." He suggests and I smile briefly.

This playful look passed between us every now and then, it continued to make my cheeks flush every time.

"Is it good?" He asks and I smile.

"Delicious." I assure him and he nods, reaching across the table for my hand. I place it in his, feeling warmth tingle through my palm. "Mark finally seems like he's getting used to us." I tell him with a shrug, trying to start a conversation. "I think everyone is."

"I told you so."

"I know and you were right." I sigh and he raises his eyebrows.

"It must have killed you to say that." He teases and I roll my eyes. "I'm glad you're feeling less nervous."

"Sometimes." I shrug and he chuckles. "It's nice not to hide or try to figure things out, everything's normal now and it''s really nice."

It had been months of just getting him to admit he liked me, then another two of me trying to help him sort out his feelings. Now we were just a normal couple with supportive friends and people in our lives. 

"I think so, too." He agrees. 

"Did you want to do anything tonight?"

"I didn't have plans to." He shrugs. "I thought we could stay in, maybe watch a movie or something-"

He's cut off by the sound of the foyer door opening up and I blink, looking over my shoulder. He furrows his eyebrows and clears his throat.

"Who is it?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I don't know, there's not supposed to be anyone else here until tomorrow." He says, standing up. "I'll go see, I'm sure it's one of the staff forgetting keys or bringing in groceries." He kisses my cheek but I stand up too, I was curious about who it might be too. "Wait here."

"No, I'll come." I insist and then the sound of approaching high heels comes closer to the door of the room.

They echo loudly, it's not a staff. They always wear flat shoes, non-slip ones.

"Hello?" I hear a young female voice call out and Walker's face goes pale. I furrow my eyebrows looking at him for any indication but he remains frozen.

I watch a gorgeous brunette walk around the corner, beautiful long flowing hair, amazing bone structure, designer clothes......and bright vibrant green eyes. The same ones Walker has that make my heart melt.

I think I just met Cali.

The two of them sort of pause, observing each other and I gulp, feeling out of place.

"Oh hi." She smiles briefly and he nods a bit.


Well it doesn't seem full of resentment, she looks happy to see him and he looks relieved to see her.

"Baby brother, what are you doing home?" She asks, dropping her bags and walking into the living room, giving him a quick hug.

"Still think I'm a baby, huh?" He teases and she grins. "I'm......I'm home to meet mom and dad tomorrow." He answers quietly and her eyes immediately go to me.

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