Chapter 62 ~ "I Owe You One"

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I think I can safely say I've had more than enough of visits to New York for the rest of my life. The only thing worse than going through all of that was the flight back which made me sick and him nervous all over again.

It had been a strange weekend, difficult and insanely upsetting. But I'd never felt closer to him, things felt amazing between us which shocked me, considering the last two times we'd been we'd left absolutely pissed.

This time, when we got home we both just crawled into my bed and took a much needed nap. Walker was practically an insomniac in that house, he rarely slept other than the night he used me as a throw pillow. Even then we were up later, chatting and talking before he collapsed.

Travelling wasn't restful either and that whole weekend had stressed the two of us out unbelievably.

Tomorrow was Valentine's day, a stupid holiday that I'd completely forgotten about. Never celebrating it does that to you.

I'd have to go out tomorrow and figure out something to give him that he'd actually like, I don't know what on earth to buy him. His hobbies include working out and cooking low-carb high-protein meals. He's impossible to buy for, he has everything and everything he doesn't, he could easily.

I hope he's kind of forgotten about it, I don't want him to make a big deal of it. Not when my birthday's so soon too. He loves any reason to celebrate or spend money and I need to be better at reminding him simple is great, even if it is precious.

We got back early this afternoon and Walker has spent that whole time drooling away on my shoulder.

I woke up a while ago and grabbed a textbook off my night stand, to get a handle on my reading for the week ahead. He was cute when he slept, mind completely at ease.

There's a knock on my door and I put my book down. "Yeah?" I ask, trying to keep my voice down.

"Are you two decent?" I hear Mark's voice from the other side as he cracks the door open.

"Yes, what do you want?" I ask, rolling my eyes and he opens it, poking his head inside.

His eyes fall on me first and then Walker, smirking a bit. "He's whipped as hell."

"He's being adorable, what do you want?" I ask again, marking my page.

"What are you doing for your birthday?" He asks and I snort.

"I don't know." I answer honestly. "Believe it or not it hasn't been at the top of my priority list."

"Okay good, don't make plans." He smiles and I furrow my eyebrows. "No I won't tell you, yes it's a surprise, don't ask more questions." He says firmly and I laugh, rolling my eyes. "How was your trip?"

"Exhausting." I shrug. "Exhibit A." I tease, gesturing to Walker who's dead asleep through our conversation and Mark laughs.

"Cool, well I'll let you two be, just thought I'd check in." He says kindly and I smile.

"You've been cool about this recently and I appreciate that." I whisper. "Not just for me but for him, your friendship is important to him." Mark's face softens and his smile reaches his eyes.

"I do it for you." He says and I smirk.

"Bullshit." I answer and he sighs, shrugging his shoulders.

"Bye Annie." He answers kindly, leaving us alone and I smile down at Walker who's breathing softly.

"I love you." I whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

He doesn't answer and I sigh, getting rid of my book and snuggling down with him instead. He moves absently in his sleep, letting me get closer and I smile, feeling comfortable. I'm sure I've got more sleep in me somewhere.

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