Chapter 55 ~ "It's That Easy"

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Life is so good right now, I feel like I'm cheating at it somehow.

I've been sleeping in the same bed as Walker for three days now, whether it's his room or my room I couldn't care less, I just get him. No more dorm bed and sleepless tossing because I forgot to call, just him and I.

This morning we're in mine, my schedule's changed this term and I only have four courses to keep track of to give me time for my honours. On Fridays I have no classes and today is my first glorious Friday of the new term with Walker beside me.

He's tangled in my bedsheets, sprawled out like he's sleeping in my bed alone. I usually sleep in a ball anyway so it works out, yet another thing that couldn't be more different between us but that works anyway.

His hair's getting long, so long that it hangs down in his eyes. He's got such nice eyelashes too, they fan over his cheeks while he sleeps.

The other thing I've really gotten used to is his snoring. It's not loud but it's noticeable, sometimes it's like white noise, even in, even out. Over and over again.

I lean over and press my lips to his cheek and his eyelids scrunch up. He smirks a bit and stretches, arm reaching out and yanking me to roll into his chest.

"Morning baby." He whispers, still half-asleep.

"Morning." I answer quietly and he runs a lazy hand through my hair. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good." He mumbles. "You?"

"Better than I have been, you're a sleep-twitcher. Did you know that?" I ask and a lazy smile spreads across his face. "You're also a snorer-"

"And you're practically a furnace, I throw the blankets off every night." He shrugs. "But I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Right answer." I whisper and he chuckles. "What time's your class today?"

"One o'clock, but it's my only one." He whispers, pressing his lips carefully to my forehead. "You working today?"

"Just school work, but I'll just do it here while you're all out. I don't have too much to do." I whisper and he grins.

"I'd suggest a date tonight but I think the group wants to go somewhere." He sighs, shaking his head.

"Well that should be interesting, we haven't done that in months." I mumble. The last time our whole group went out, I met Dane, Chase kissed me and Walker and I got into a fight. I've sworn off it ever since. "I don't know if I'll go."

"That's fine if not, we can stay here if you want or we could go somewhere just the two of us." He suggests and I perk up, rolling over him, bracing my forearms on his chest.

"The Piper thing is handled right? The video's dead and......oh who cares, I've got so much under my undergrad belt that I don't even care if it's not."

"It is, for the record."

"Then let's.....go. But together, tell everyone else who needs to know all at once, Chase, Piper, the clones, everyone."

"Hmm, is this evil Annie I'm seeing?"

"Close, it's I-don't-care-Annie, probably much rarer actually." I tease and he laughs.

"I'll say, as I've recently discovered you only like the toilet paper on the roll one way." He grumbles and I roll my eyes.

"It makes sense to have it face you, not the other way around-"

"You're lucky I put it on the roll to begin with." He retorts and I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, if that's the way you want to do it.......that's okay with me." He tells me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

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