Chapter 15 ~ "Never A Dull Moment"

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"Okay, the way I see it we have a couple options." I tell him and he nods. We need to get our strategy solid before we enter the snake pit. "One, we pretend that I'm a foreign exchange student from London and I really want to experience a frat party." He laughs at that but shrugs.

"That's actually not bad." He admits. "What else?"

"Number two, you play your 'I'm Walker' card and try to have your popularity take us as far as humanly possible." I explain and he shrugs.

"Piper wasn't lying, those guys don't like competition." He mumbles and I nod, knowing he was right. "But we can use it as a back pocket option."

"Okay, number three, we partner up with a group of girls waiting in line, that way it looks like you have like six girls you're bringing into the party."

"That's probably our best bet." He nods and I smile. "Let's give it a go." He sighs, looking at the line of people. Our group of friends was waiting back for Abby and her friends to join them and we were being tossed into the pool alone.

"What if we tried the cousin angle?" I ask. "Like what if I'm your cousin visiting from out of town?" I suggest and he cringes.

"That's too weird for me, plus, anyone who sees you around campus is going to know that's a load of horse shit." He whispers and I nod. He did have a point. "Let's try the group of girls thing."

The only problem was, nobody in line appeared to be a group of single girls, no doubt because the frat had already let them in. Everyone else was in devoted multi-gender groups of friends who wanted to stay together. No matter who we asked, no one was prepared to leave their group. Except for a few guys when they caught a look at what I was wearing, which I had to decline.

"Well that was bust." I sigh and he nods. "The British angle next?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Hey!" I hear a friendly voice say and a large guy wearing a t-shirt for the frat was immediately standing behind me. Accent, no accent. I just nod awkwardly and he smiles. "What are you still doing in line, gorgeous? The party awaits." He says with this slack jawed smile and I take a deep breath.

He had a short blonde hair cut, fixed on the top of his head with gel. He reeks of cologne and looks like the sort of guy who asks why rich people should pay more taxes in a wealth and humanities class. I can handle this guy.

"I'm just waiting my turn." I shrug giving him a smile and crossing my arms behind my back. I bat my eyelashes and he gives me a big grin. Men are so stupid. 

"Nah, there's a special rule for girls who look like you, there's no line." He tells me and I pretend to widen my eyes, feigning flattery. I lacked confidence in every way when I talked to guys normally, but the drinking I'd done and the adrenaline were pushing me forward.

"Really?" I ask, putting my hand on his shoulder and he nods. "That is so incredibly sweet."

"Just looking out, I wouldn't be much of a doorman if I wasn't looking to let in someone like you." He tells me.

Well, at least Piper had been wrong. He didn't think I was ugly, in fact he was inviting me inside.

"What's your name?" I ask quietly, smoothing out his shirt on his shoulder and he clears his throat.

"Zack." He answers. "You?"

"Annie." I smile back. "What year are you?"

"I-I'm a first year, just rushed a few weeks ago." Oh this is perfect, totally something I can use. "You think we could continue this conversation inside, I could get you a drink?"

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