Chapter 41 ~ "You Forgive Me?"

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Dinner was awful without him. 

I felt lonely, confused about the food with no one to guide me through it. I wasn't a social creature, settings where I didn't know the majority of people weren't a fit for me. 

Those girls from earlier were ruthless, they wouldn't stop asking me where Walker went. They asked me questions about things I'd never done, made me feel like a loser in front of other people.

His mom looked worried that maybe she'd been responsible for him running off. His dad just looked like he expected it, that made me uneasy.

When I couldn't take the night anymore, I just left. I walked back upstairs, feeling fat in my dress and ugly after being so torn-down and lonely.

He promised me he wouldn't leave me alone, he swore he'd be there the whole time and that he cared. I felt like he'd lied to me.

I take off all of my makeup, the clothes, the heels, the boob tape. Then I tie up my hair and turn on some random TV channel to fill the noise. I slip under the covers in my underwear, not bothering to put anything else on, he won't be back anyway.

I feel tears leak over my cheeks, how could I have been so stupid? I'd slept with him twice, enjoyed so much time with him, I started to think we actually had a shot. Now I understand that this is a mess, it's a bad one because even though I'm upset and worried about what might happen in the future.....I mostly just miss him.

I feel tears leak over my pillow, it feels embarrassing that I'm this upset. It's not that big of a deal, I understand him needing space, but not him snapping at me. Not him disappearing for hours and leaving me to the wolves of his fancy world all alone.

I feel mentally exhausted and I know I knock out early, earlier than I mean to. My emotions are on a rollercoaster, my memories are full of really good ones of him and they hurt so good.

I'm deep asleep when I feel the bed indenting beside me, I instantly roll away, putting my back to him. I'm upset with Walker right now.

"Sweetheart." I hear him whisper and I don't move. "Annie." He adds and I still play it like I'm asleep. "Annika." He says even more softly and I feel involuntary shivers break out all across my skin. His arm wraps around my waist and I shuffle away, balling up further from him. "Baby-"

"Go to bed." I hiss. "I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now."

"Please Annie, just listen to me." I feel him put a hand on my shoulder and I sigh, immediately standing up. I'm hit with the quickest dizziness from just waking up groggy. The room is dark but I can see his silhouette behind me in bed, his tux is in pieces by the door.

I know I'm practically naked, but I don't care. I grab the throw blanket at the end of his bed and wrap it around me, marching to the couch and laying down on it instead.

"Come back to bed." He whispers and I shake my head. "Please sweetheart, just come lay in the bed."

"No." I sniffle, feeling sad all over again. "I will not let you think everything's fine when it's not, I'm angry. Be quiet and go to sleep."

He doesn't listen, he immediately gets out of bed, walks over to the couch and sits on the ground in front of me. I just groan and sit up, blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I stand back up and he practically leaps to his feet, catching my shoulders and holding me in place.

"Get off." I tell him angrily.

"Not until you listen to me." He whispers. "I'm sorry I just got overwhelmed and I needed some space-"

"You did, did you?" I ask angrily. "You fucking left me here, at your family's Thanksgiving in their big house with all of these society people that I don't know! You don't give a shit about me-"

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