Chapter 21 ~ "I Came Back To See You"

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I wish I could be happy about that kiss.

I really want to be, every time I have a moment of silence I think about him and how that whole interaction felt. It was incredible, new, exciting. For the first time in my life I understood why people my age liked messing around. 

It just really pissed me off that he was so intent on us not going anywhere. It shouldn't go anywhere and I knew that, but it had happened and there were a lot of feelings out in the open last night. Feelings that he couldn't un-say, even if he wanted to. 

I had that at the very least, the admission from him that his head and his heart were telling him different things. Mine were doing the same of course and I had to keep forcing my heart to shut up. I needed to stay away from this Walker situation, he wouldn't be a good idea for me to get involved with and I could enjoy our secret free of guilt.

I had to go back to work today, luckily when I left no one was there and Mark wasn't there to give me anymore reasonable advice. I just stayed in my room last night, I wanted to stay away from everyone. I'm not a great liar and until I could handle what had happened last night, it wouldn't be a good idea to expose myself to everyone.

I get to the pool for my swim lessons today and I feel tension creep up my spine. Nobody even seemed phased by what had happened there. Kids were swimming, parents were waiting patiently for their lessons to end and everyone looked calm. 

My inner monologue was on fire, I wasn't a big fan of being back here, but I think the only way I'll ever really get over this is if I just start getting back into it again.

I lead my swim lessons, trying to just stay calm. My mind kept saying three words over and over again: pool, thesis, Walker. It was exhausting, but once I could get my thesis over with, then I'd just really have the Walker thing to worry about. I need to focus on the task at hand and not think about being pushed up against my bedroom door.

My swim lessons go well, once I finally stop worrying that everyone's going to drown, they go a lot smoother. I like watching them improve like that, the kids I teach are getting stronger and it makes me smile to watch them succeed. I really do like kids and I won't get the chance to work with them forever and I need to enjoy these parts of my job while they last.

Eventually I hit the mid-point in my shift and it's time for my lunch break. I'm the only one in the pool office as I go through my bag for a granola bar. 

"Annie?" I hear and I turn to see Micheala standing in the doorway.

"Hi." I smile, forcing it slightly. But I needed to try and put on my best brave face.

"Hey, how are you?" She asks and I nod. Oh you know, just the usual. My job is too stressful, my research presentation could get thrown out on Monday and my roommate fucking made-out with me last night. Nothing too big.

"I'm good." I tell her instead and she nods. 

"It's nice to see you back, I'm glad you're here." She says politely and I nod. "How are you feeling about it all?"

"It's a little weird, I won't lie." I admit and she nods. "I'm getting back in the swing I just....I keep worrying-"

"You think everyone's going to need rescuing." She finishes the sentence for me and I nod. "That's pretty normal after a big one like you had."

"That's good to know." I mumble, sitting at the desk with my bar. "I-is there any news about that girl?"

"We haven't heard anything." She sighs. "And you should know we usually don't."

"Oh." I sigh with a nod.

"But I'll let you know if I find anything out." She assures me. "Would you be available to sit down for a proper debriefing of your rescue after work today?"

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