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3 years ago

I knew this day was coming. I'd been planning this for nearly 6 months. I have to leave and it has to be tonight. I've been working a summer job to save as much as I can. I have to be the responsible one, Ella shouldn't wear any of the burden. I told her to stay but she insisted on coming with me, being by my side because she doesn't want me to be alone, but because I'm the reason she have to leave our family home, I'm the reason she has to leave her friends, I'm the reason why we need to run and never come back.

I sit by the pool watching Ella swimming and carrying on with her friends, smiling and laughing. Both of us know this is a farewell party but nobody else, nobody knows we're leaving - running away. This will be the last time she sees the people she has gone through school with, I know she'll make new friends when she gets to her new highschool as she's a social butterfly but it won't be the same. She will graduate in 2 years with only me in the crowd, not that I had anybody other than her when I graduated a few months ago. It's always been us, together.

Ever since our mum passed away, nothing has been the same. Dad's never home, always away on business. His idea of parenting is to just give us money and not even his money, he spends that on alcohol and gambling. He just throws his inheritance at us instead of actually taking care of his child.

He was handed everything from his parents and he's doing exactly the same. His parents put him through the best college, rented a house for him to live in while he was studying, gave him an expensive car and even tried to give him and mum a house when they married, but mum refused and said they will use their own money that they earnt, well mum earnt, dad was just given it. He never had to pay for anything.

He's trying to buy our love, not that he's even doing that, he's just throwing money our way because he doesn't care and that's what he feels obligated to do. My mum hated him doing that, but truly loved him, apparently he was different when they were together, but now she's gone he's back to his old ways. I'm not sure why rich people think it's ok to look down on "normal" people who actually have to work for a living. 

After Ella says goodbye to her friend, reality hits, it's nearly time to leave. We have a long drive ahead of us to get as far away from here at possible so we can't be found.

We both start double checking we have everything we need and want to take with us as we both know once we're gone, we aren't coming back. Bags packed in my car, something I brought with my our money even though he said he'd just buy me whatever I wanted. But I couldn't, I didn't want anything flash, nothing just handed to me. All the money he has given me is in an account to help pay for Ella's college.

Our father hasn't been home for a week so hasn't been here to notice that our bags are packed and some of the photos of our mum and us have been taken down and packed as well. I managed to find us a small cheap place to live in a small town about 10 hours from home, right near the school the Ella is enrolled in to finish off her last 2 years of high school. I found a job at a cafe near the apartment and will look for another so we have enough money.

One last look back at our family home, tears starting to pool in my eyes. We have lived in this house forever. We climb into my car and both of us look at each other and immediately embrace each other letting out our held back tears.

After a few minutes, we both pulled back knowing it was time to go. We had a long drive ahead of us. I'd found a motel to stay at for the night about half way to our destination.

"Sure you want to come with me?" I ask Ella

"Wherever you go, I go. We only have each other. Sisters stick together. Forever" she smiles right at me and I know she means every word.

It's not an ideal situation, an 18 year old and 16 year old running away from home, starting a new life, looking over our shoulders wherever we go to protect ourselves. But for us this is our lives from here on...


Well there is the prologue done and done. What do you think? This is my first attempt at writing a book so I hope you enjoy.

Constructive criticism is welcome so please leave a comment and let me know what you think, and don't forget to click that star ⭐

RunawayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora