Chapter 33: Mia

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The last 2 weeks have been super busy to say the least. I have been working as many shift as I can because I want to be able to get Ella something really special for Christmas which is only 2 months away now. I also want to get Ethan something. We have been spending a lot of time together, most nights I stay over at his apartment except when I don't finish work until late, those nights I just go home.

The connection that we have seems to be getting stronger, we are so in sync with each other. The sex with him is amazing, I have never had somebody worship my body like he does. He knows exactly what to do to make my knees goes weak. But its not just the sex, he holds my hand when we are together, he whispers sweet things in my ear and sends me good night messages when we are not together. He is the perfect boyfriend.

I'm currently at work, in the middle of a double shift and to make things worse, it's Halloween so the bar is going to get busy as we get later into the evening. Sienna is here for the lunch shift but finishes soon and is going to a party at a frat or sorority or some sports house, I really don't know but apparently, it's THE party to be at tonight, all our friends are going while I'm here until midnight. I really don't mind because parties are not really my thing especially after what happened after the first hockey game.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I have been going and watching the boys play hockey when they are at home. I'm beginning to understand it a little better. They have a really good side and have only lost once this year so far. They are hoping to make it to the Frozen Four at the beginning of next year and win the cup, fingers crossed they can do it, from how hard they train, they deserve it.

"So, how are you and Ethan" I'm pulled out of my trance as I was wiping down a table by Sienna.

I can't help but smile when I hear his name, even though this is still fairly new, there is just something about him that makes me happy "Good, really good"

"Yeah it sound's like it going great by the moans that were coming from his room this morning" she wiggles her eyebrows. Oh no, she heard us. I can feel my cheeks heat up, I am probably as red as from embarrassment. We don't have sex every time I stay over sometimes we just cuddle and watch a movie or talk, but when we do its normally multiple times that night and I sometimes wake up with him in between my legs and it is becoming my favourite way to wake up. "Oh don't be embarrassed" she says as she takes the glasses from the table "You should hear me and Alex when nobody else is home, I swear the neighbors have complained. But in all honesty, I haven't seen Ethan like this in a long time, it's really nice to see him happy and all that is because of you girl. And you seem pretty happy yourself"

Again, I can feel my cheeks go pink at the comment. I haven't had a boyfriend since high school and well I don't even think I'd call him that, he was a manipulator, he never cared for me it just took me a long time to see him for his true colours.

"Mia, go on your break, Sienna you can finish" our manager let's us know as we get back to the bar. "I'll stay with until you go back to work, let's sit outside. I feel like we haven't hung out in ages " Sienna says as we go into our lockers and she grabs all her stuff and I get my phone. We take a seat outside where it is quieter and I take a sip of the water I grabbed on my way out.

"Sorry about teasing you before, I didn't mean anything by what I said" I'm not sure why she's apologising to me. I was just embarrassed by the fact she actually heard Ethan and I having sex. "No need to apologise, I was just a little embarrassed. Anyway, what are you dressing up as for the party tonight?" I try and change the subject because Ethan and I's sex life is not something I want to talk about.

"Sexy nurse, Alex and I were going to get a couple's costume but in the end we couldn't agree so I went just something easy" she answers "we aren't really planning on staying long since they boys have a game tomorrow, which you coming?" she asks.

"Yeah I'll be there, I have tomorrow off" plus I won't see Ethan between now and after the game. "So back to Ethan and I promise no talk about sex" sienna starts off "How is it going really?"

"We're good. Really good. It's taken a little to get use to, I haven't been in a relationship for years and well my last was a disaster" I haven't told Sienna about my ex at all but I feel I really want her opinion on what Ethan is really like. I know I trust him but I still think there is part of my still holding back a bit "do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure" she answers and gives me her full attention. "Um, I'm not really sure how to ask this and if you don't want to answer please don't feel pressured" I start trying to think how to word my question, it's something I've wanted to know for a while. I already think I know the answer just from being with Ethan "My last boyfriend was... not who I thought he was, um, is Ethan um being himself or is this all an act?" my voice nearly becomes a whisper at the end. I can't look at her so I look down at my hands that are resting on the table.

Sienna reaches over and places her hands on top of mine "Ethan is one of the nicest and most genuine people I know. What you see is what you get with him. I can see the way he looks at you, I've never seen him look that way before" I slowly raise my eyes so I'm looking at her and she has a smile from ear to ear. I know she's telling the truth. I return her smile as she squeezes my hands.

"Thanks, I should get back to work. Have fun tonight" I say as I go to stand

"no problem. Hey we need a girl days soon. I'll invite Raya and we'll do facials, eat lots of junk and watch movies with no boys"

"Sounds great. Let me know when and I'll see what my shifts are like. I'll see you at the game tomorrow." We wave and I make my way back to the lockers as Sienna heads out the door. I send a quick message to Ethan before getting back to work as it's starting to pick up. I can already tell, this is going to be a long night.

I was right, tonight was exhausting, I walked out of work at 1am and crashed as soon as I got home. I woke up with the sun beaming through my window. I looked at my phone and see that's it's already 10am. I also have 2 new messages from Ethan, the first at 8pm when he would have been getting ready to go to the party.

Hope work isn't too busy. Good night Mia xx

And the second one was only sent an hour ago

Good morning beautiful. Can't wait to see you after the game today

And the butterflies in my stomach flutter. He never misses a chance to compliment me. I manage to drag myself out of bed and into the shower to prepare for the day. Ella should be home today and I plan on cooking her breakfast and catching up. With me being super busy at work and with her just finishing up her midterm exams, we have hardly seen each other.

I make my way into the kitchen and start to prepare breakfast for the two of us, one of Ella's favourites, pancakes with ice cream and chocolate sauce. I hear her come out of her bedroom and into the kitchen already eyeing off the stack of pancake that are ready.

We sit at the bench and enjoy the flutty pancakes that I prepared while catching up all everything that's been happening. I feel like I'm letting her down by staying at Ethan's most nights but she said she's fine with it as she has also met a guy and has been spending some time with him also.

The one thing with Ella is she's not afraid to ask the personal questions, apparently she needs to know all about my sex life. She's my sister so I know I can't lie to her so I keep it brief and simple letting her know that it's great but refusing to go into details. I remind her to be safe herself because I don't want her to be pregnant as a freshman in college but she assures me she's not having sex, she just having fun in other ways.

"I'm just happy to see you so happy, it's been a long time" she comments as we clean up the breakfast plates "and I'm glad you listened to your heart and not your head, Ethan seems like a great guy and nothing like Ryan" she adds

"I am happy, thanks. And yes Ethan is great. I know it took a while for me to trust him but I feel that I really do trust him fully."

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