Chapter 36: Mia

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It's only been a few days since Thanksgiving and I am still confused as to what happened. I told Ethan that I would be staying with Ella that night when he dropped us home. I could see the disappointment on his face, but I needed time to myself. Ella could tell something was off too, but I just played it off as being tired from work. I went straight to my room and hid the cheque in my drawer, I would get rid of it when nobody else is around. There is no way that I am taking his money, he can't buy my off.

I have tried not to let this affect how I am around Ethan, but I just can't help it and he has noticed, but he thinks it's just because of the way his dad treated me when we met. We spent the morning together today as he only had afternoon classes and I'm working tonight. I have organised to have coffee with Jake after he finished his 12 o'clock class so I am currently getting ready to meet up with him at the café near campus.

I open the drawer where I hid the cheque and pull it out. Ella isn't home at the moment so now the perfect time to get rid of it. I rip the cheque into a thousand pieces and put it in the bin before taking out the bag to the dumpster. Now I know that nobody will find it. I am contemplating telling Jake about what happened, but I need to ask a few questions about Ethan and his father's relationship first before I decide.

I make my way walking down the footpath towards the café. The air is crisp even for the middle of the day since its now the end of November. I hate the cold so I'm rugged up in a winter jacket, scarf and beanie. I know people will think I'm weird, but I need to be warm. I enter the café and find Jake already at a table with 2 cups, he knows my order by now and I'm thankful I will have a hot drink as soon as I sit down. We start our catchup with general how's college going and work and then he asks about thanksgiving. I knew he would but I was trying to put it off for as long as possible, knowing this is the time I need to find out more about Ethan's father.

"It was good, his mum was so welcoming and nice to me. The food was delicious. I haven't had a thanksgiving like that in years" I answer.

"And his father? I know he was there, and Ethan said he was his cold rude self especially towards you" I should have known that Ethan would have told Jake what happened when we first met. This is the opportunity to ask about him "Yeah, it was interesting" I start not really knowing how to approach the next question, I don't even know if Jake will know but I have to ask "Can I ask you something. About Ethan and his dad?"

Jake readjusts in his seat "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"Has their relationship always been like it is now?" I ask.

"When he was little it wasn't great, but it wasn't as bad as it is now. Their relationship really went south in sophomore year, that's when he was drafted to the NHL and his father didn't want that for him, told him that it's not a stable career and whatnot if he gets injured and can't play anymore. He still supported him financially I think trying to get him to change his mind but I know Ethan and he will go to the NHL and he will absolutely smash it."

Ok well that explains their relationship but why was he so cold to me, so I have to ask even if Jake doesn't know the answer "So why do you think he treated me the way he did?" I take a sip of my coffee and a deep breath waiting to hear. He thinks about it for a little "His father has issues with a previous girlfriend before so don't take it personally, I just think that he is protective of himself. He thinks people try to get close to Ethan for the father's money. I actually think that his dad was right about his last girlfriend even though Ethan will never admit it. But I can tell you really do care about him so try not to worry."

Maybe that's why he offered me the money to see as a test. "I need to tell you something, but you have to promise to never tell Ethan" I look at him in all seriousness. "Promise" is all he says as he leans forward on the table. I trust his word so here goes "His father gave me a cheque at thanksgiving and told me to leave Ethan and Boston for good" I watch as Jakes eyes widen at my confession "It was for 100 grand. I've ripped the cheque up; I could never do something like that. I care for Ethan too much. But I just can't believe that his own father would do something like that."

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