Chapter 34: Ethan

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Tonight's game was tough and ended up in a 1 all draw. As a team the combinations just weren't working tonight so we missed so many opportunities to get ahead. I'm so disappointed in myself, I made a few bad passes and misses. I walk into the locker room with my head down. I know we still got away with a draw but we were lucky. I could tell the whole team felt the same.

After getting our arses chewed out by coach and hitting the showers, all I wanted to do was see my girl. She just has a way of making me happy. I walk out of the locker room with Alex and Jake. Scanning the group of people waiting for us, I found Mia and Sienna standing off to the side, I could tell Jake spotted them too as her was heading straight towards them.

Jake got there first and Mia gave him a hug. I used to be jealous of their relationship but I know that they are just really good friends. After she releases him she walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck with her fingers playing with my hair. I place my hands on her hips as she gets up on her tippy toes and connects our lips briefly. After she pulls away I rest our foreheads together.

"Hey" she says. She can tell I'm mot in the next mood after the game "You hungry?" I just nod and we both drop our arms and I intertwine our fingers together.

"We're going to get something to eat" I let the others know

"Great" Jake says "We're are we headed?" I really just wanted to spend some time just with Mia. I look at her and she just nods her head with a small smile indicating that it's ok for them to come "Just to Dels" and Mia gives my hand a slight squeeze. We all head off together towards our cars and drive to Dels, a local diner not too far from the arena.

Once we arrive we sit down in a booth towards the back. It's not overly busy but there are a few groups here after the game. I sit down next to Mia with Alex and Sienna opposite us and Jake on the end. A waitress comes over and takes our order and brings back our food not long after. I'm sitting there talking to Mia about how her day has been when I hear Jake say sarcastically "Good luck".

Not really taking notice of what he was talking about, I continue talking to Mia with my hand resting on her thigh. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder as it moves down my arm "Hey Ethan" I hear a voice that I recognise speak seductively. Fuck I really don't want to deal with her right now, well ever. I'm sure I made things clear months ago that I was not interested.

"Brooke" I respond shortly before looking towards her hand on me then to her and back to her hand before I grab hold of her wrist and lift her hand away from me.

"I haven't seen you around for a while. I've missed you. I'm going to a party now at the basketball house, how about you come with or we could just go straight to my place" she places her hand back on my shoulder and bends over so she is close to my ear for the last part, but everybody still heard plus she's showing off her cleavage in her barely there top. She can not be serious. There is a reason she hasn't seen me out, I haven't been going out I've been spending most of my nights with Mia, including tonight, she's is right next to me while Brooke is trying to proposition me.

"I'm fine here with my girlfriend" I say while putting my arm around Mia's shoulder and pull her close to me. I look at Mia and she is looking down at her hands in her lap. I can tell she's uncomfortable with what's going on. I'm trying my best to get rid of Brooke "so if you don't mine, we'd like to get back to dinner" I give her my best fake smile before she turns and flicks her hair over her shoulder as she walks away.

"Sorry about that" I whisper to Mia then give her a peck on the cheek. She gives me a small smile before going back to eating. For the rest of dinner Mia is distant not saying much. Once we've all finished, I take Mia's hand and walk to my car. I open her door for her and close it once she's settled the passenger seat. I make my way to the driver's side and start the engine but before I drive anywhere I turn in my seat to face Mia.

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