Chapter 7: Mia

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I wake up early to the sun streaming into my room, remembering that I left my curtains open I groaned. I slowly open my eyes and make my way out to the kitchen. I started to make some breakfast for both Ella and me. Nothing special just pancakes, we have them every Sunday, just like we did when we were kids.

Ella wasn't home when I got back last night, she said she was going out with a few friends to a party. I heard her come in at about 3 in the morning so I wasn't really expecting her to be awake any time soon.

To my surprise though she was up by 9 and didn't look tired at all. We eat breakfast together and then I start getting ready for work. My shift starts at 11 today right before the lunch rush begins. Apparently, Sunday lunch is quite busy.

I make it to work start my shift. At around 12 I notice Jake walks in dressed for work.

"What are you doing here, I thought you didn't have a shift today?" I asked a little confused.

"Yeah, well that was before Becca decided she'd call in sick so I'm here to cover" he groaned not looking happy about it at all.

We worked tirelessly through the lunch rush before it started to die down a little. Who knew people drink this much on a Sunday lunch. A few were here for meals but there were a lot just drinking. The bar has live music playing so that probably brought in the crowd.

I walked over to a table to clear some glasses and plates when the guy at the table next to that just started talking aggressively at the girl he was with. He kept asking her if she was going to keep eye fucking the guy singing and if she'd prefer the singer over him. I tried to ignore but it just bought back so many memories. I kept telling myself it's ok trying to control my breathing.

I pick up the plates and glasses and go to walk past when he says to her "You belong to me, don't ever forget that". Those words made me freeze in my place. My hands automatically let go over everything I was carrying. My hands were shaking, and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Everybody looked my way at the noise of the breaking glass. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, not being able to catch my breath. I see Jake walking towards me and he asked if I was ok.

I couldn't talk, couldn't say a word, my mouth was so dry, I just ran straight out the door, the sun so bright in my eyes. I didn't know where I was going but I kept running, I could hear Jake called my name behind me, but I didn't stop, I couldn't stop. I needed to get away.

I turned down an alley and finally stop running. I feel so nauseous, and I can't help but empty my stomach on the ground. I place one hand on the cold brick wall, so I don't fall over while I continue to bring up everything I've eaten today.

I close my eyes and slump down against the wall, trying to control my breathing. My lungs feel they aren't getting any air every time I inhale. I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks while I bend forward with my head between my knees trying to get oxygen into me.

I feel a soft touch on my back, rubbing small circles trying to sooth me and I can hear this soft voice but can't make out what they are saying. The person stopped rubbing my back and I comes around in front of me, placing their hands on my cheeks and raising my head to look them in the eye.

Its Jake, and I start to make out what he is saying to me. "Just breath, just breath, in and out slowly" I concentrate on the words his voice is soothing and slowly I being to be able to get my breathing under control. I hate that he's seen me like this, nobody knows about my panic attacks other than Ella.

I can still feel my hands shaking as he puts his arm around my back and helps me get to my feet.

"Come on, we're going to go back and get you some water and I'll call Ella for you"

He gently leads me back towards the bar and into the staff room out the back. He sits me down on a chair and places a bottle of water on the table for me. Nobody else is in the room and I close my eyes trying to calm my nerves. I know people will have questions; everybody was looking at me. I can feel a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

When I can feel my hands have stopped shaking I open my eyes and realize that Jake is sitting next to me.

"How are you feeling?" he asks with a small smile but showing concern.

I'm not really sure how to answer that. "Better" is all I can muster up to say.

"I called Ella, she's at work but said that she's going to try and finish early. Would you like me to drive you home?" his voice is so soothing and helps me relax a little. He hasn't asked what happened or why I ran out.

"No, um, no I just need a few minutes if that's ok and then I'll get back to work"

"I've already Sienna to come and cover the rest of your shift, just go home and look after yourself ok. And she said that she can cover your shift tomorrow if you need her too."

My eyes widen, I can feel my heart starting to race again and my breathing shallow. Jake must notice "Hey hey, it's ok, I didn't tell her what happened, just that you aren't feeling well ok, nobody else will know ok". His voice is so calming and reassuring and I'm thankful he didn't say anything to Sienna.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?"

"No, its ok, I'll be fine. Thank you" I pause "for everything"

He nods His head and walks back out to continue working as I've left them one short until Sienna arrives. Once I get into the right headspace to drive home, I make my way back to the apartment. I already have a message from Jake Take care of yourself (heart emoji).

I walk up the stairs and unlocked our door and close and lock it behind me. As soon as I was inside, I had Ella wrapping her arms around me. We stood in silence, she was my calm. She knew what I was going through, she'd seen it all before.

I pulled away and she tucked hair behind my ear. "Are you ok?" she asked in a soft soothing voice, not wanting to push me about what happened and caused me to break. I offer a small smile and nod.

"I'm going to take a shower" I say as I walk towards the bathroom.

"I'll be out on the couch if you need me or just want to watch a movie or something?"

I walk into our bathroom, and turn on the light locking the door behind me. I let out a deep breath relieving some of the tension in my body. I turn on the hot tap letting the room fill with steam. I need to get lost from reality.

I slowly undress and step under the scorching water nearly burning my body but I needed to forget. I don't know how long I stood there with the water running down my body, but I heard a light knock on the door and I knew I needed to get back to reality.

I shut the water off and dry myself putting on my comfy pjs and making my way out to Ella. I go to the fridge and grab a bottle of water and a packet of popcorn from the cupboard. I make my way to the couch and sit down next to Ella.

Not a word was said between us, we settled in for the afternoon with a movie playing that I really wasn't paying attention too. I fell asleep at some point and wake up in the middle of the night. Ella must have gone to bed and left me asleep, I had a blanket over me and all the lights were off.

I slowly get up and make my way to my room. I lay down on my bed and stare out the window, I haven't closed the curtains but laying her looking at the bright moon shine down on the city and the twinkle of stars is just so peaceful.

I look at my phone to see what time it was, 2am and I have a message from Jake.

Let me know if you need anything and I can cover your shift tomorrow if you need me too. Just let me know

He'd sent it hours ago so I didn't want to replybecause of the time. I'd never had friends like this before and I have onlyknown them for a week, that makes me smile. I put my phone back on the bedsidetable, and slowly drift into a deep slumber. 

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